Reputation secret sessions

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One of Taylor's houses
Hence: classified location
I was in my room doing my hair. I was invited to an address, in which I'm not at liberty to give away, to go do top secret activities.

I had my hair down and I was in a pair of ripped jeans, at shirt with a flannel over it, and some worn out vans. You could tell that I had been skating in them.

"Y/N!" My mom called from another room in the house. "Were going to be late! Come on!"

I grabbed my phone and headed outside to the car.

When we pulled up at a curb, we were in front of a gorgeous house.

We were guided inside by some women.

"Make yourselves at home!" One of them said.

We walked around and ate some food, and hung out for a while. I also met some new swifties.

"Everyone has to come into the living room!" One of the ladies shouted.

Everyone hurried into the living room and sat on the floor.

Everyone was talking excitedly to one another.

I thought I heard the staircase creaking so I turned to face the doorway. I didn't see anything, so I turned back around.

Then, I heard a peppy voice saying, "Hey guys!" And then a bunch of screaming.

When I saw who it was, I myself stared screaming.

It was the goddess, Taylor Alison Swift herself.

"Thank you guys for coming!" She said, making her way to a chair up front, everyone still screaming loudly.

Once she sat down, she began speaking.

"How are you guys?"

"Good." Everyone replied.

"Thank you so much for being here, as I know this is sort of time consuming and mind blowing." She laughed.

"But, um, today I am going to be playing you guys the entire Reputation album before anyone else has the chance to hear it." She smiled as everyone started screaming again. She started talking after everyone had quieted down.

"I'm so incredibly proud of this album. I hope that nobody in this living room goes home disappointed or feels like something is missing from this album. I really hope you guys like the songs on here."

People started whispering to each other as Taylor got her phone and plugged it into a speaker.

She started to play the first track off of the album, '...ready for it?'.

Everyone, including myself, started screaming the lyrics as if they were at one of Taylor's concerts.

No track name spoilers, but Taylor ended up playing the entire album for us. It was the most amazing things my ears have ever heard.

"So, what did you guys think?"

Everyone started screaming different responses.

"I loved it!"

"Pretty sure god made this with his own hands."


"It's so good!"

"Fetch album!"

Any many others.

"I'm so happy that you guys like it, because like I said, i put so much work into making it."

"I'm actually going to go around and take pictures with everyone, and then we can all eat and dance and stuff."

Taylor got up from her chair and started to walk towards her mom. They exchanged a few words, and then she walked outside.

Everyone was told to get with their groups and that Taylor would be coming around to take pictures.

I waited for a few minutes. While I was waiting, i ate some desserts that Taylor had baked.

Then, I heard someone say, "Oh my god, Y/N!"

I turned around and saw Taylor, arms wide, pulling me into a hug.

My immediate reaction was to cry.

"Aww, babe, don't cry," she said, hugging me tighter:

"You just make me so happy and I never thought that I'd ever actually meet you."

"It's okay," she said, patting me on the back. "Do you want to take a picture?"

I nodded my head, still crying.

We walked over by white fencing on the back porch and Taylor gave me a hug. We stood there, smiling, until the picture was taken.

"Here you go," she said, handing me my picture. "I've gotta go take pictures with everyone else, but I love you! I'll see you on Tumblr."

Taylor gave me one last hug, and then she went to take photos with some more people.

After she took photos, everyone was back in the living room, dancing and eating and having the time of their lives.

What happens in the Secret Sessions, STAYS in the Secret Sessions.

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