Dogs or Cats?

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This is a question that has been asked millions of times, are you a cat person, or a dog person?
Some people say that deciding this is actually a part of your personality. I don't understand that but okay. Some people say that if your a dog person your most likely note optimistic and an extrovert. If you like cats more then dogs, your more likely an introvert. That's what people say anyways. But what if i have both? What if i don't have a favourite? So i never really understood this thing.
Its not really a life altering question so i do not know why i think of it so much. Why am i even writing about it? Probably because i just got asked it by my cousin who came over. She talks a lot. No, i am not talking about Memovie360 . Did you guys know she was my cousin?
Shes my cousin. Check her out. Shes an artist.


Guess thats that.

Bye guys.

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