What the heck

81 15 64

So like a million people tagged me recently and actually


Hold up

Ima write them names down

If you're on this list know that I absolutely love you and I want to shower you with the love from the world you didn't know you had a also a million or so cookies (I dunno, that's a rough estimate.)

WolfixWritesUT (I don't know if you tagged me but I love you also)


Dang I don't know y'all too well QnQ
but I'm so happy that you thought of me and you honestly made my day and I wouldn't mind becoming friends!

I love friends!!¡!


So Ima just gonna dump a bunch of things about me here probably I guess


Name: Victoria

Age: 18

Nicknames: elf, tori

Favorite Game: Dammmmm don't get me started, it's obvious to everyone here that undertale is a consensus, but I kinda like Fallout 4. I'm a huge melee character and I love getting power armor and beating the shit out of stuff, so let's say I'm ready for Atoms Judgement in the Far Harbor DLC.

Zodiac: Taurus
(man that's something I always find really interesting about people is what they're zodiac is)

Favorite Character:
*blank stare* uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Favorite Color: I'm into those pastel colors. They're really cute and I'm sort of going through a wardrobe change rn. I didn't want to wear dark colors anymore, so I always keep things light and colorful c:

Favorite Song: Jeez what the heck you really think the majority of these people actually have a favorite song? It's sorta like, I like something, but it's always changing and I have no idea what it is.

Favorite Anime: I watched Sonic X as a child don't judge *slips on anime shades* I don't watch too much anime. Someone spoiled Death Note for me and I was like, fuk dis. But-


The last things I watched were My Hero Academia and Soul Eater, I've also watched a smudge of Tokyo Ghoul and Sword Art Online. But I've got to hit you with the Inuyasha. I had such a crush on him when I was little. I'm not even kidding.

I also watch pokemon on rare occasion.

What Kind Of Pets Do I Have:
I have 2 doggies. Ones really old and blind in one eye, poor thing. And then I also have the epitome of cute and evil and loud, my mix Pomeranian/Chihuahua, Bella. She is so cute I'm not kidding. But she's also very annoying at times. I've also had many other animals before but what really hits me is the ducks. I love ducks more than anything. They are so cute when they waddle and chase you.

Favorite Food: Ima just gonna dump it all here,,
Thin crust pepperoni pizza
Chicken Alfredo
Mozzarella Sticks
French Fries
Grilled Cheese
All fruits
Mashed potatoes
Other things I'm probably forgetting

Main Fandom: Undertale. Before this I was seriously into Nirvana though. I've listened to everything they've ever recorded. Every. Single. Thing.

Cheesecake or Waffle: oh hell no

Don't make me choose

Fav book genre: fiction or fanfiction, I'm a huge book nerd. So much that I took three years of Honors English with perhaps one of the most intellectual high school teachers I've ever met. She has PhD's, and even though she's retired college professors would see students who came from her class and stood mesmerized by their works. Enough to quit their jobs just to work at the school with her. It's because of her that I learned to write and expand my intellectual thought process. We always called her Doc. I miss her.

Most Recent Song You've Listened To:
Gasoline- Halsey

Relationship Status:
I have no idea how I got so lucky. I'm dating a track star, have been for 2 1/2 years. He's very cute, ladies.


And he is honestly one of the most amazing people I've ever met.

Select 8 people to suffer as I do: uhhhhh



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