Hide In Shadow

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Norama Lundox or with his long name Norama Faust Lundox. First born son and the last descendants of the fearest Lukio Lundox. A talented charming man with high reputation. Happy?no he's not happy at all.

Mid centuries....

"Fine him!" A guard said to the other guards around.

"There he is!"

"Prince Luk,wait up your highness!" Said the guards running as fast as they could to keep up with the certain black haired with a mask hide away the face.

The guards was gasping for air but stop until the black haired was gone from their vision......

600 years later, modern years...

"Wait up elder brother!" A small little boy with the named Jimmy chasing his elder brother in the market.

"Boys!"could be heared from far, a stunning  chetsnut haired female with simillar blue eyes with the two of the boys.

The two boys stopped what they are doing and run to their mother, Darenia Brionita Lundox a stunning tall women with signature chetsnut colored hair and light blue eyes.

The young two boys sit down and start talking to their mother about their day. The elder brother named is Esmoton Lundox and the younger sibling is Jimmy Anthony Lundox.

"Good morning"a voice come from a tall boy with black haired and blue eyes come to the front of their balcony apartment which is close to the market.

"Elder brother Norama!" said both of the little boys approaching their elder brother. With a smile in his lips, the man named Norama,hugs the two little boys.

"Norama,so how your walk with your father" said Darenia to her eldest son.

"It's fine mother just like old times"
Said Norama with a smirk in his lips that is also really famous.

"I am gonna go and have my training in the woods mother"said Norama. And the two little siblings with puppy eyes talk straight to Norama wish to come as well with him.

"No you two finish your work first okay!" Said Darenia to her two younger son.

"Bye , take care all of you!" Said Norama with his backpack and sword ready to go outside and start the day.

Somewhere else

"Please now calm down gentlemens!" Said a dark brown haired to the others 5 adults in the room.

"Sir, I understand but you remember we have been hiding in shadow for years, ever since the second world war!"said one of them.

"True sir at least we could survive but hiding isn't the correct answer!"said the other one.

"Silent!" The dark blue haired shout, and no sound could be heard from the room.

"Thanks Nison" said the dark brown haired to his brother.

"Now we could only hide until our powers are fully restored and Norama are too young to start his training as the next leader" said the dark brown haired.

"But comander Niroshi we must do some-" a green haired was cut by the dark brown haired who is punching the table meaning his is losing his calmness.

"It's final that Norama will not lead the family without any training!" The dark brown haired, Niroshi Faustine Lundox , the father of Norama and his siblings.

"Don't you remember what happened years ago with Lukio Lundox the prince of the Lundox Empire as well as our ancestor!" Said Niroshi.

"Remember we are not following the rules of this nation , but we are gonna bring back the Lundox Empire that was ruined around 600 years ago!"

"But commander Niroshi , remember our ancestor promise to bring peace by destorying the other nations! This is not what the purpose of Lukio destroy his own empire and rise his sword against his family for !"said a blonde haired growned up , try to fight against the idea of his superior.

What happened exactly?

600 years ago there was a famous empire called Lundox empire.The only that could rules the entire land and world.So thirsty for powers the empire people was misrable and the noble look upon them.

But Lukio Lundox try to reason with his father, the emporer. To do something for their people. But never did the father listen so he take everything under his own hands.By destorying the empire for good but his descendants always try to take other nations for revived the empire backs but never did.

"But enough is enough!" Said Niroshi to the other 5 adults.

Later at night...

Norama, was cleaning his bed ready to sleep , but there is something bothering him.

So he write a his diaries just like usual it's became his routine everyday.

2 November 2004

Dear Diaries,

I just wanna say that today is better than yesterday because dad don't yell at me again today like all the times! Today I feel relax and happy because I finish my work on time and so many freedom. As well mom make some chocolate cake which are my favorite and dad come home late than usual Idk.

Dad double my training to make me the next leader but I don't like it! Dad never understand how it's feel to be happy and neither I. But Jeremy just makes this yummy apple cake today and I was happy. Also I read this book about orchid and lily. I wish my life is as beautiful as them!

Just I hope that this is a dream and dad will not forget my birthday tomorrow . 3 November the day I finally turn 16. Okay that's it for today. Thanks God today was a normal day and please Lord tomorrow are normal and fine as well. Amen.

Norama Faust Lundox,
New Quotes of the day:
"Love every second you lives til now , because they are beautiful"
               -Amy from Orchid and       Lily     

I know I was weird, but yeah that's it for today ! And comment and likes or share to others ! If you hate it that's okay everyone got a choice!

Xoxo Yulandra               

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