Chapter One: Surprise!

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A/N: I am not positive how much I will be able to I rely on a friend for internet. But I will update whenever I get a chance. Most times I will update more than one chapter at a time. (If there are any grammar/punctuation/spelling errors, feel free to let me know.) I am also taking requests for chapter ideas.

Cassie's POV

As my best friend, Adriana, and I, walked out of her parents car, you could not step anywhere without bumping in to someone. And the size of the concert arena was so huge, people in the back would most likely only see faint dots on a tiny platform instead of the world famous boy band, One Direction. Luckily, both our parents are lawyers, which means we have more money than some.. This also means we were able to reserve special seats for the concert. As we were waiting for the boys to come out, I noticed Adriana getting impatient and more irritated by the second. "What's up with you?" I questioned.
"I feel like they are NEVER gonna come out," she complained, making me laugh.
Soon enough, the boys came out. Man, did it get loud. And I mean like ridiculously loud. I could hardly hear Harry talking and I was right in front of the guy! Soon enough it got quiet. Not completely, but it sure af wasn't as loud.
After singing quite a few songs from their new album, Midnight Memories, Liam spoke up.
"We have decided that you guys are lucky tonight! As you guys entered the arena, we had you give the guards your first and last name on a slip of paper. After this last song, you will find out why and believe me, you're gonna love it!"
I swear, their last song dragged on FOREVER, until it finally ended. The whole song you could see the crowd itching for it to end. Huh. Strange. Normally it is the opposite...they never want it to end. Finally after what seemed like infinity, (A/N: Do you see what I did there?) but was really only four minutes, Niall yelled "Who wants to know what it is that made Liam sound like he was mentally unstable?"
On stage, the boys laughed, while the crowd went wild with screams and laughter. 'I wonder if Harry is okay,' I wondered, as he was looking quite pale. 'Oh well. He probably is just a bit under the weather at the moment.' I seemed to be correct on that, as after a few minutes he seemed perfectly fine again.
"We had each a d every one of you guys," Harry yelled, pointing throughout the crowd, "put your names in paper because we have decided that someone, the person luckily chosen, gets to be a special guest up here with us."
"Buuuuuutttttttt," Zayn dragged on the 'but' for a dramatic effect. "The thing is, if you decide to come up here, you have to sing. Of course, u can choose not to come up here, but you would be missing an awesome opportunity."
As their drummer gave an everlasting drum roll, they shook up the bucket with the names.
"And the winner is..." Louis started. "Cassie Anderson!"
A/N: mwahahahaha. Cliffhanger. Don't hate me. What do you guys think is gonna happen?
Sorry. I know it is short but it is legitimately 4:38 a.m. Well, at least this chapter was made in the A.M.😃😂 I have to get up at like 9:30 and it is like the first day of fall break. But I am getting up early to go to the movies with a friend so that's a perk.
Anyway,have a good night or day. Whatever it is for you.

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