First day

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Aureana's POV

"You'll love it! A new school, new boys."  Mom looked over at me as she said this. 

"Why would I care about boys mom? They don't care about me..." I answered as I rolled my eyes. 

"Oreo." she used my nickname I smiled. "You are a goregeous young woman and the boys are going kill themselves trying to get to you." 

Ha. I scoffed. Boys. Liking me. Yeah okay then. "Whatever mem." I reached over and hugged her and  hopped out the car. "Luh yah." I started walking toward the school and noticed a small group of pretty girls talking. Great already time to encounter the populars. A VERY attractive boy - well more of a man considering his body - walked up to them and hugged a small girl with brown hair. I  walked past and observed the girls. 

One was tan with long blonde hair and was about 3 inches taller than me.

Another was white with medium brown hair. The one who the boy hugged.

And the last one was drop-dead-goregeous-gouge-my-eyes-out-she's-too-pretty model beautiful. She had thick black hair and bright green eyes. 

Then I looked at the boy. Tall tan and handsome, he was taller than me by at least 2 inches. He had caramel skin that showed he was born with it. His eyes were the best part. Light brown eyes that were looking right at me. Wait. What? Me. Wait. I stared longer and he licked his lips in a way that had my heart pounding out my body to be with him. 

I walked quickly toward the office and opened the door. I walked up to the desk and told the my name and the nice lady told me to sit and wait. 

Then the hottie walked in. "Hi." It took me a minute to notice that he had sat next to me. And he talked to me. What. "I'm Carter." 

"I'm Aureana." I said quietly. 

"Oreo?" He laughed. "Nickname?"

"I said Aureana. But yeah my friends call me Oreo." 

"And why's that?" he leaned in closer.

" I love Oreos and one time I was covered in mud and then my big brother sprayed his shaving cream on me as  prank and i looked like an oreo."

He laughed again. It was a nice laugh. "Here you are Miss Collind." The lady handed me my schedule and a map of the schoool. She was young enough to be an intern and she stared at Carter openly. She scoweled at me. Not so nice anymore. 

"You have the same classes as me! Sweet. Even electives. We are going to be best friends!" We got up and he walked me to class. As soon as we turned the corner we encountered a large group of hotties. And the all turned and bombarded Carter with questions, not noticing me cowering behind him.

"Did you hear about the new girl?" A blonde one aksed.

"Have you seen her?" A boy with brown almost black hair asked.

"I hope she's....." the tall one with black hair finally noticed me and faded out with a whistle. He stepped in front of me. "Well hello there." he said all suave. Then he was pushed out the way by Carter.

"Don't mind Galinsky. He's just hitting on you." Then as if on cue they all shouted really really loud. " WELCOME TO WILMOTE HIGH.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 

And the bell rang.

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