babysit [0/5]

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"huh. . you really aren't that bad, are you?"



arthur millie mckenzie








human being, surprisingly not devil!

date of birth

  july twenty ninth   



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arthur is seen as such a gorgeous, smart, and generous, boy. . but, here he is, hiding what he truly is. a monster. his inner self is very cruel and dark. he thinks about killing others, torturing, etc.. at times he'd try and do so. arthur is very manipulative and a possessive person. he'd dumb them down to obedience.

arthur would break them mentally. he likes to see those who're in need with help and seeing those who are pathetic in their state. he hate's pitying people and those who desire pity or attention. he also hates cats with deep passion, he finds them annoying and rude. arthur also likes sweets and seafood a lot!

he's really good at singing in french instead of english, and he's also a very good painter, which is something he enjoys to do. he also likes dogs, mostly german shepherds. he thinks they're cute, but also could be vicious ( he actually has a german shepherd himself, her name is belle. she's a guard dog, and a family dog. )


  didn't i mention sea food? he really enjoys seafood. he likes sweets, speaking (a bit) of french, dogs, painting, and his sadistic personality- he likes seeing people in pain and crying. he's a horrible person. arthur likes it when he's always right and he knows he is- did i mention he enjoys painting and just art? he really likes playing the violia & violin, basic stuff. he also likes to sleep. he a l s o enjoys begging : ^ )  


  as said, he strongly dislikes cats, people who are practically begging for pity & attention, being filthy / dirty, disgusting people!! people being annoying, yelling, etc. etc.  


born into a wealthy and a family  that practically worships him, arthur was living the perfect life, but he never appreciated things. and one thing he definitely didn't appreciate is his parents going on vacation or "honey moons" most likely, and leave him here with some stupid babysitter. every time a babysitter would come and babysit arthur, it'd all fall down hill with arthur getting the babysitter fired or him scaring the babysitter to death by showing his dark side. despite all this, his parents still did vacations and such without arthur, even though they thought he was like so q u e e n.


  a spoiled brat.  


hey, hey hey! that's very inappropriate! [could go for both <w<]


you're obviously his babysitter.
be older than sixteen & have a mother like / sweet personality


"be nice to the new baby sitter, arthur."

here you were, babysitting a rich family for the first time in forever. you were going to get paid very good money  from this, because, you know, parents are going to be gone longer than usual. probably months. and here, you, stuck with a boy who rarely speaks or make any eye contact with you. every time you did, he'd just give you a glare or stay silent.

"what's bugging you, kiddo?" you'd ask, trying to sound bubbly and happy. "nothing." is every single word he'd say to you. . although he had such a stubborn personality, this didn't stop you from giving this boy some fun and activities! you'd make him play games like chess and checkers, and feed him, do things that you're supposed to.

but, the kid never appreciated it. you shrugged it off, it was nothing. one day, waking up early in the morning with a smile on your face, ready to take on what life was giving you today, you hopped out of bed, throwing the covers off your body, going to wake up arthur. walking in the big home and to his room, you opened the door and looked around, seeing that arthur wasn't in bed. you rose a brow, walking inside the room.

"arthur?" you called out, hoping that he's just looking through his closet for clothes or whatever, and didn't run off somewhere. walking inside his walk-in closet [obv], you'd see something off. when you stepped on a specific spot of the floor, it seemed- pretty. . hollow. knocking on the floor, you heard a creak. surprisingly, there was a door. you opened the door, curious, until-

"what are you doing in my room?" a low and upset voice called out.

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