Short Story 1

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Two Worlds, One Choice

    Have you ever wanted to have another life? Have you ever thought of what that life would be like? My best friend, Olivia, and I always thought of what our lives would be like. However, we both had two very different reasons of why we wanted a new life. Evie wanted a new life because she had made one minor mistake which led to everyone pushing her down till she was forgotten and unknown. For me, well I have been in that list of unknowns my whole life. That's how I met Evie. I want a new life because I haven't achieved anything, no high grades, no sports teams, I haven't even joined a single club at school. But enough about me, this is about my best friend and the decision she had to make.  


   I was with her that day, it was a rainy Wednesday on June 16th, 2017, in London, England. Evie and I were walking to school through the forest as the trees would shield us from the rain. After a while, we noticed that we were lost. We started walking towards a dark figure that Evie had spotted which turned out to be a man. Once he saw us he walked towards us and invited us into the house that we hadn't noticed until he had pointed it out. He let us go in first and then just slammed the door closed locking it. After checking the door we noticed there was no handle on the inside of the house.  


  After a few minutes, Evie and I trying to break down the door, it vanished into thin air and two portals appeared before us. The first one was a portal to a world that looked like another dimension and to good to be true. The second was a portal that lead straight back outside of the house. I turned to Evie and told her to stay here while I went to get the police. When I returned to the house with the police straight behind me there was no Evie to be seen, actually, there was no house in sight, we stood in a clearing. The police did a whole wide search of the forest but found nothing, no house nor Evie.   


  Now every day, since that day, I ask myself the same questions over and over again. What happened to Evie? What had she done? Had she found a secret escape route? I even asked myself if she had vanished into thin air with the house. On that day I also realized that the decision I had made was what I had wanted because I could've chosen the first portal but I didn't, I chose the second one, the one that brought me home. And now I think that I may just get my chance to achieve something one day. But from this day on I will always keep this question in my mind, where are you, Evie?  


That's it for short story 1, now I did say they were gonna be short in the description. I have a feeling like I should do a P.O.V for Evie. However, I'll leave that up to you guys.

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Till next time,


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