Short Story 2

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Woodlin's Death Phenomenon 

Isaac and Charlotte were walking to school, talking about the latest rumor and how it was totally fake. After another few minutes, they met up with Thomas who is one of Isaac's friends. To Charlotte, something felt off but she decided not to think much of it.  


Isaac's P.O.V

I hate him so much it's all his fault...

Charlotte's P.O.V

Once we got to school, we all went our separate ways. That went on all day. After not seeing Isaac all day I was happy to be able to see him after last period ended. I headed to my locker and then headed out to our meeting spot only to find Thomas but not Isaac. When I got to Thomas he told me Isaac told him he had tutoring and yo go ahead and head home without him. So that is exactly what we did, splitting up after some time both of us going to different ways.


That was one week ago, and just two days ago they found Isaac's dead body as two teenagers from the school were swimming in the lake and found his body at the bottom of the lake that was created by the river that passed under the bridge to the Great Oak. Found dead was all the report in the news had said which was a surprise as the news always gave the nasty details, but that's all it said and I couldn't help myself but think there was more to this than what was being shown. Anyways, ever since that day, ever since the news got out I've been locked away in my room. Today is Sunday and I'm about to go to sleep when I hear a knock on my door. I'm about to call out when my mom abruptly walks into my room telling me I have to go to school tomorrow, leaving after that without saying another word or leaving me time to say anything.

Unknown P.O.V

Where is she, I need this to be put into action...


Charlotte's P.O.V

It's Monday morning and like my mom told me, I'm going to school, well more like being forced to go. I meet up with Thomas and he asks me something that sparks my interests. He asks me if I wanted to help him figure out why Isaac had committed suicide. Which got me interested since I had found it weird that the news had only said that he was found dead and nothing else yet he had said it was a suicide. I decided to ask him about it, which he responded to saying he heard his dad talking about it being a suicide and how Isaac's parents didn't want to do anything, no funeral, nothing, which didn't seem weird if you knew Isaac as he was never close with his parents and was only allowed to live in their household till he was eighteen then he had to move out. Actually, it was like that because Isaac had been put in that household because his parents had died when he was really young therefore he had to move into that house which was the home of his aunt and uncle. They may not have liked him all that much but he loved them as if they were his real parents and maybe even more. That is the only reason I could think of that could make Isaac this sad to do this. Thinking about it I really wanted to figure all of this out and having Thomas help out did have its pros, I mean he was the sheriff's son which would gain us access to even more information and data if needed and it would be way easier. Just as the bell rang I answered his question saying I would do it. He looked really happy that I had agreed and told me to meet him in the library after school and then left for class.


  After about 15 minutes, Thomas said he couldn't find anything in his pile that could've been important so he decided to check online records and archives about our towns deaths and that I could check his pile of newspapers if I wanted to double check. After hours of reading, as I had decided to double check Thomas's half of the newspapers, and Thomas finishing up on all online records and archives, we decided to pack everything up and head home. It was a pretty boring walk home after splitting up with Thomas as it was really quiet. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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