A new start

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Holy shit!
I cant believe tomorrow im seeing Anastasia for the first time in 5 days....
I need to pick a outfit!
I run down and get two white collar shirts and run back down to the great room and ask Taylor "Taylor which one?" I say holding up the shirts as my hands turn sweaty in the grip of the hanger, "Sir.." he says "what?" He looks embarrassed "They're the same shirt..." what the fuck is he trying to sass me "No...This one I've worn in front of Ana..on the day we went to have dinner with my family..." I say waving it in the air "This one Ive never worn in front of her because its new,which may represent Im a new man.." he raises a brow "what exactly is the occasion?" He asks "Im seeing Ms Steele for the first time since our break..." he nods "honestly sir I don't think she would notice.." My eyes widen "yes she would!" I snap "No because you didn't.." My brows shoot up "What?!" He points "This is the chicken sauce stain you got at the family dinner" he says pointing at the 'Hey Im a new man shirt' What The fuck! When did he become a fucking comedian,he seems amused "Thanks for the advice Taylor..." I say heading back to my bedroom and go into my closet,Tie or no tie? Hmmm I could wear our favorite tie...but-whats if its not her favorite anymore?!Plus wearing a tie would make me look to professional...I wanna look casual...Even though I hardly do that.I decide on some nice pants and my white collar shirt.

At night I can't fall asleep,I keep thinking of her...and now I'm gonna see her,does she see me as some monster still?Has she missed me? All my thoughts exhaust me to the point where i fall into a deep sleep.

Me and Ana are dancing,its only the two of us "Mr Grey you dance so well..."
she giggles and its music to my ears,And she says She can't dance "You dance so well,it makes me dance well..." she giggles,holy fuck how'd she know i was thinking that?! Now I know how she feels when I do that,"I love you" she says Oh fuck...."I love you too..." I say,I don't want her to leave again...she smiles as I twirl her "Your mine Anastasia.." I whisper in her ear "Yes I'm all yours.."

I wake up with pure happiness,I've haven't woken up like that for days...
I get up and get ready in a rush,The faster i get ready,I guess the faster the day will go by and I'll see Anastasia...I smile at my self..what she does to me..
I head to the office and sit in my office chair re-reading the emails from yesterday which gets me even more excited! What time is it? What its barley 10 am?! I roll my eyes I guess ill just have to read the emails until its time...buzz! "Mr grey?" Andrea says through the buzzer "what?!" I snap "you have a visitor.." I roll my eyes...wait what if its Ana?! "Bring them in.." The big door open I realize my hopes got to high when I see Elena! My eyes widen,she walks in observing the office just like Ana did the day she fell into my office,"Elena what do you want?" I snap "You don't seem very happy to see me..." she say offended but I could care less,shes basically the reason Im what I am...which is the reason Ana left...

"Im just here to see if your ok..." she says what Ive never been better,I still cant believe I went to her when Ana left..I've never gone to her when the others subs left,maybe because Ana was more of my girlfriend...She is about to sit in The chair Ana sat in when she interviewed me,but I stop her "No not that chair!" Shes startled by my alarming voice She moves to the next one,I haven't let anyone sit in that chair since she interviewed me especially since she left I've gotten more serious about it,Its like shes never left...her delightful scent stayed but she didn't...its the other thing thats kept me company
Even I forbid my self from sitting in that chair...I swear Andrea caught me making out with invisible Ana one time...

"Im fine." I say firmly "Oh I'm guessing you've found a new sub.." I cringe "No.." Her brow shoots up,or should I say her painted brow...Ana doesn't paint her brows or her face...she's just naturally beautiful...

"In fact my relationship at the moment is none if your business" I say and that offends her,"Christian of course it is Im just making sure you don't get hurt,Like the last Ana one.." That fucking triggers me "Elena!Get The fuck out..." I point towards the door
She seems very offended this time and nods and does what shes told....I cant stand when people don't do what they're told....Except Ana I like her that way...

The day passes by and I get home early to change...

I grab my clothes and set the clothes down on the bed as I enter my bathroom and shower..

I quickly change as its 4:10 I fix my hair and put some deodorant...you never know....and decide to leave a couple of the top buttons open revealing some of my chest but not my burns and scars,I head out as I call for Taylor "Come on Taylor we've gotta pick up Ms Steele!" Gosh I'm nervous....
Here we go I'm gonna see Ana...

We drive outside her work as I sit playing with my fingers,whats that saying 'Twiddling my Thumbs..' oh shut up Grey...I see her waving goodbye to her co-workers until a man holds the door open for her,who the fuck is that?! She waves him off as he does too but he stands there observing the Audi...And Im pretty sure Ana's Ass! She enters the car and stares at me,Fuck she had to wear her plum   dress! My mouth dries but I stop "When did you last eat?!" I snap observing her,holy fuck shes like a skeleton..."Hello Christian its nice to see you too.."

"I don't want your smart mouth now,answer me.."

"I had a Banana and yogurt for lunch"

"A banana isn't a food.!"
oh who am I to talk I had a banana to eat about two or three days ago and called it a meal...but now this is probably the reason I hate Bananas...
"Yes it is...even monkey think so too.." she seems amused by this...Fuck my twitchy palm..

I roll my eyes "When did you last have a real meal?" I ask calming down

Taylor starts the car as the engine turns on interrupting I turn over to see the same man who eld the door for her waving at Ana as Ana waves back "Who's that?!" I snap she stops waving and lowers her hand and looks at me and says "My boss.." Jack Hyde...
"Well, your last meal?" I realize she hasn't answered me...

"Christian that really is none of your concern"

That sinks my heart

"Whatever you do concerns me.."

"No it doesn't..." she groans in frustration,rolling her eyes which makes my cock twitch...shit stop!
She stares at me for I while and we stay quiet until I say "Well?" She sighs but finally says "pasta Alla Vangole,Last Friday.." My smile turns upside down,What?! She hasn't eaten all because of me...since she left...she seem like shes waiting for me to get mad at her,but I am mad...not at her,but at me...."I see..." Is the only thing I can manage "You look like you lost at least 5 pounds or even more...please eat Anastasia..." The silence grows between us..

A dark thought enters my head,If she were my submissive I would drag her to the red room and take out all the anger I have on myself and on her....By inflicting pain...but thats not gonna happen...ever,I don't even like that thought,so I quickly close that door...
"How have you been?" I ask wanting to know once in for all "If I told you I was fine I'd be lying...cause Im shit really"
Her lips are trying to fight a quiver,I breathe "Me too..." For some reason my palm isn't twitching but its a feeling of need...need to touch her...I put my hand in hers and her fingers wrap around my palm,"I miss you.." Her lips start to quiver "Christian I-"
"Please Ana we need to talk..."
"Christian please,Ive cried so much"
"You Cried for me..?" My voice nearly cracks in disbelief... she nods Her attempt to hold back her tears fails as they start to make their way down her cheek.."Oh baby no.." I say using my free hand to wipe her tears off her cheek I use my hand holding her hand and tug her pulling her to my lap as I bury my nose in her hair,inhaling her scent..."I've missed you so much Anastasia"

She tenses a second and i hold her tighter,this time I'm not letting her go again...I'm aware shes in the 'Danger zone..' But i let that go I need her to be close to me...I kiss her hair continuously as she looks up at me and back down

Minutes later Taylor pulls up to a curb "come.." I say as she moves her head of my chest I watch her every move fearing she can run any second...
"Portland is quite a distance like you said..we cant take any breaks at one of your buildings were gonna be late to Jose's show" She says,once I'm sure she isn't going anywhere I say "were taking Charlie Tango.." She gasps,What a ride this is gonna be...

(Sorry for any spelling/Grammar errors)Love you all this is part one of the new start thx for reading:)

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