1) All I've ever wanted

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Ellie PoV:
"Ellie no!". I woke up and opened my eyes. Another nightmare. I looked out of the window. The sun was shining. I knew it would be cold outside because it was the last day of september. I got up and stretched my arms. When I got out of my room, I noticed that my my brother Jake, my parents and my grandma were watching TV. They looked very scared and nobody said anything."What the hell is going on?", I asked. Jake pointed at the TV. I looked at the TV and saw some pictures of a small town near our village. The town was full of zombies. " What the..." I whispered. My mother started talking " They're already in our village, so don't open the door." "Are you kidding me?! I have to get out of here and fight. " I shouted. "You're insane!", my brother said. " No, I'm not. Jake, how many times did I tell you that I wanted a zombieapocalypse that bad?!" "Ellie, I guess you don't realise what's going on out there. This is way too dang...", my dad said, when a zombie, hitting our window, interrupts him. " Oh fuck! Dad, get your gun." I said. Good thing that dad used to be a hunter before all this started. He did like I told him and he went outside to kill this thing. I followed him, holding a big knife in my hand. "Oh shit.", I said when I looked at the body "This is our neighbour,dad. Or it was, at least." Dad looked shocked, when I heard my mom screaming. I ran as fast as I could and jumped on the back of the zombie that attacked mom and killed it with my knife."Are you bit?" "No" she said. " Come on lets get back inside the house." We locked our door and sat together in our living room. "You have to let me go", I said. Mom said " You'll die." "No, I will survive and come back soon, but you should know that this is everything i've ever wanted.If I die, than it was worth it. Let me go. I'll take one of dad's pistols and some other supplies and than I'm out of here. And you stay here and if you have to leave, please leave a note in the garage where you're going, so I can find you." I went back to my room, grabbed some stuff I could need, took on a sweatshirt, jeans and my boots. My dad gave me some ammo and one of his pistols. I ran out to our garage, took three screwdrivers and ran back inside the house. I put one inside my backpack, where the gun was in. To be honest, I had no idea how to shoot a gun, but I took it with me for emergencies. My mom gave me some bottles with water and some cans with food. I put them inside my backpack and closed it. I took one of moms cooking knives to defend myself at first. I hugged my mother. Than I hugged my brother and than my grandma. I gave mom and Jake a screwdriver to defend theirselfs and grandma. When I hugged my father, I said " Please, don't let them get hurt.I'll miss you. But I have to do that, I'm sorry." I closed the door and started walking. When I saw one of those things, I sneaked to it and killed it with my knife. It was easier than I thought.I went to my best friends place at first and knocked at the door. No answer. I knew that there was a back door that was never locked. I went inside their kitchen and stopped. My best friends sister was lying there on the floor, bit, chained to the heating, making strange noises. Oh shit she already turned. I rammed my knife in her forehead. "Lilly, are you here?", I shouted. I sneaked upstairs and opened the door to my best friends room....


This is the first chapter of my story and I really have fun writing this. Hope you enjoy reading this.😄
Leave feedback if you want.

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