Max x QUIETreader (Part 1)

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((This wasn't requested but it's going to be a start for my story!!))

Your POV
((Sort of a prolouge))

As always, there are new campers. And you are one of them.

To be honest you weren't very sociable so you didn't know how you would make friends or fit in. That is..until a certain Black haired boy with an attitude helped you out.

Not by his choice of course..

((Actual begin of story))

"Alrighty campers!! Today we are going to do a bunch of fun-tastic activities! First off we are going to do a scavenger hunt, and I will be picking your groups! First ones to find all the items and bring them to Gwen, wins!!"

You quietly groaned when David said he would pick groups. Sure, everyone at the camp was okay but you felt better when you worked alone at your own pace.

"Okay, Nerf and Preston, Ered and Nikki, Harrison and Nerris, Dolph and Neil, Spacekid and I, and Y/N and Max!!"

David smiled as he handed everyone a small golden envelope.

Your heart dropped. You were going to be paired with..Max? Uh oh..

You knew he didn't like you from the ways he would ignore and insult you. You didn't want to be paired up with Max but you couldn't bring yourself to speak with David about it.

Max groaned as he looked at you.

"Why the fuck do I have to be paired up with..her?"

"Maaax, be nice to Y/N and watch your language!"

Max rolled his eyes at David and made his way next to you.

"So..what the hell is the first thing we are looking for..?"

You opened the little envelope and took out a small note with items scribbled on it.

"Uh..a birch tree leaf..."

Max groaned once more walking into the woods. He turns around and looks at you.

"Are you fucking coming or not..?"

You slightly flinched at his cursing and quickly followed him. He was quite quiet and found most of the items on the list himself.

You were down to the last item and we're getting excited.

"Last item is a pinecone.."

"Okay, let's hurry and find it. I wanna know what that prize is.."

You and Max searched and searched but couldn't find one single pinecone. You two were losing hope until you found one lying in the dirt. You snatched it and both you and Max ran to the finish line, which was David.

The bad thing was though, another team was also running to David. Max looked at you with worry in his eye.

"Fucking run Y/N, get to the finish line!!"

You sprinted as fast as you possibly could, you were almost to David until you tripped and fell. You skidded across the dirt floor as you witness the other team reach David.

"KIDS!! Weee have our winners!!"

Your heart sank as you dropped your head to the ground. Max walked up to you.

"Great Fucking job...we lost cause you can't stay on your own two feet..God you're so pathetic..I should have had a better partn-"

"Shut..up..Max...Shut up!! I tried my best to get there and I'm sorry if I failed but I Fucking tried!! I tried to be nice to you no matter how much shit you threw at me, but it never worked!! I'm done trying...I'm done trying to be your friend...and maybe if you would stop being a self-centered prick, I would have been friends with you.."

You stood up, brushing the dirt off your clothes and out of your hair, and walked off furious.

Max stood there, speechless and full of guilt.

'Was he really that mean..?"

((Gonna be in 2 parts!))

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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