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Sisrus POV

I just got back from watching moony all night and that was not easy and pad foot and Raven and prongs are all tired yep that's too bad though that we were all betrayed by wormtail. And he's been in Azkaban for the last few years doing stuff and being there for serving his time for everything he did and he would not no matter how hard people try and turn Albus Dumbledore in

Sisrus: hay Harry babe wake up let's head to. The bedroom so what did I miss when I was out watching Mooney for the night and the full moon that was going on and stuff like that

Harry : well I'm sure that when. You got back papa and dad had told you all about the fact that Sarah was kidnapped we were trying to figure out how we're going to get her back safe and sound Kingsley is a mess because of course that's his niece and everything like that and it was her mate is freaking out and of course we're trying our best to calm him down

Sisrus : well you know that baisle zinibin is going to be freaking out and everything about the fact that she's gone missing because of course their mates and you want to make sure that you made it safe I would be the same way if it was you you know that anyway right now I think you really need to get some rest and stuff for some reason I've known as the last couple days you've been tossing your cookies and stuff you want to explain that to me

Harry : I'm not quite sure about that stuff myself I think we should probably go check in with poppy and see what she has to say about it all this because I'm still not feeling the greatest as it is

Sisrus: in that case I think I'm going to take you and get you checked out to be on the safe side cuz I don't want anything happening to you I mean all of your life you thought you were the boy who lived in everything is fine. There was always the thing but drama and that was me that police is good to know the truth and everything you can have your family back the way you're supposed to all we really need to do is catch Dumbledore now before he causes the most problems in the Wizard World

And Harry just smiled at me and I can tell that I think that he's happy that I'm able to be here with him now and everything like that and I'm finally free from Azkaban and everything people know that I was basically undercover and everything went wrong so at least the truth came out there now one way or another we definitely need to catch the mole door before you try something else we are remembering everything now. We know one of the worst thing that he's ever done was put Harry and that was during tournament at the beginning of his fourth year and stuff like that so he's definitely trying more and more putting Children at Risk and holding them as a weapon is something that he needs to pay for

And with that I knew that I need to get ready and take Harry to go see Poppy cuz he wouldn't stop throwing up and everything like that and that's a good thing to make sure he gets checked to see if he's okay before it's too late

Poppy: hay Harry and Sirui what seems to be the problem

Siruis: Harry has literally been feeling good the last couple days it's been pushing through his days and everything in that but he's been tossing his cookies day night the last couple nights and days so I thought maybe we should figure out what's going on with him for sure

Poppy : okay I think you're absolutely right about all that and I'm going to run some tests and everything to see what's going on for sure right now one way or another I want to make sure you're healthy

And with that thought in mind I watched as poppy was looking over Harry because I really need know what . would be making my mate being in this type a thing that's been going on with him and everything with the way he's been so sick so I really need to know why

Poppy: you guys don't really need how much to worry about and everything like that is not really nothing that nine months won't hear care that's right it looks like Harry hair is pregnant just likes James carried him and Hermione it's his turn to carry his kids

Harry : sisrus babe where going to have. A baby wait a minute did you say kids poppy as more then one

Poppy : yes I did say that and it because you are going to be having quadruplets in other words you're having four babies at once which is very rare because it's usually a rare for wizards and for which is to have twins with a loan that is I'm definitely going to need his have a close look on you during your pregnancy

Harry : sisrus I'm carrying f******quadruplets this is not going to be easy I know one thing for sure you definitely have a high sperm count baby but I know one thing for sure I'm going to love all these kids no matter what is just a shock that I am taken

Sisrus: or telling me I never thought I was that fertile but I guess I still

Poppy: oh you're fertile enough I did some tests and everything to make sure that you are okay and everything and he was okay it seems you have a high sperm count that's why you're having so many and the fact that sometimes in families there are more than one in the muck around more in this world so it looks like. Not only in your family sisrus you have twins in your family cause a high sperm count so in your case it's double to set of twins so they say like I said you're having for which is the quadruplets let's just hope things will be easy on Harry's body

I still can't get over the fact that Harry needs to be on bed rest and he's pregnant. We need to try and get Sara back safe and sound

Poppy: all of you guys would have let me finish talking and everything he doesn't really need to go on bed rest till actually the third month of the pregnancy so he should be able to do his best you can right now but once the third moth that's when things is going to be difficult

Sisrus: well it a good thing that Harry going to be having everyone that loves him here to help him with is family

And with that I knew I needed to take Harry back do our room and get some rest and everything because of everything that's been going on yeah he doesn't really need to be on bed rest until the 3rd month but he still needs to take it easy he's not allowed to have any stress so right now I just want him to relax for the rest of the evening. This is going to be the first to try to deal with a mean we have to try and keep him okay and everything was as pregnancy and puls get dumbledore put away in Azkaban and then we have to try and figure out how we are going to save Sarah as well from where she was kidnapped  but I think that comes before getting albus dumbledore  is going to have to be for the right reasons cuz there's no way we are about to let him get in over his trouble and cause big problems when we just want the word it all to be safe

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