Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

They say that as time passes, things change. And as things change, people leave. And as people leave, memories fade. But the one thing time cannot touch is the heart, for the heart never forgets.  

As Adrianna sat on the small mountain that overlooked her hometown, she couldn’t help but think how true this statement was. It has been ten years since she last seen Jasper City, and in the decade she was gone, the town she grew to love transformed into a beautiful sprawling city. Dozens of skyscrapers that weren’t there before now rose from the ground like the ancient Douglas fir trees scattered around the mountains. The expansion of the city also seemed to clear the outskirt areas of most of its farmland and trees. Unfortunately the old house she once lived in also happened to be part of the area that became demolished a few years ago. Apparently the previous owner decided to sell it to the city to get some profit.

Yet despite the changes made to the metropolitan, the feeling of familiarity overwhelmed her. She couldn’t feel sad for the loss of her old home because the city itself was her home. Everything from the fresh smell of morning rain, to the cawing of the ravens in the sky brought her back to the past. It made her remember forgotten memories. It made her feel at home. She was glad to be back.

Adrianna smiled faintly as she finished reminiscing about her past. Although it was nice to visit the place she once spent hours playing at, she knew that she shouldn’t dwell there for long periods of time to think. It was best not to live in the past when the present is happening right now and then. With one final look around the lush forest, she took her bike and rode it down the mountain, towards the city. 

 Along the way home, Adrianna saw a group of children playing in a park at the base of the mountain. For a moment her hazel eyes lingered on them, before she quickly looked away. But by the time she did so, it was too late. The image of a girl and boy playing together instantly transported her back to the past. Suddenly, instead of seeing the clear cut pathway that she was riding her bike on, her vision glazed over and she found herself reeling in one of her old memories.

It was her seventh birthday today and it was the day she decided that she did not need her daddy to look after her while she was playing in the tree house he built two years ago. She was a big girl now and she could look after her own safety. So when she gave him a list of reasons on why he should let her play by herself, he gave an amused laugh and agreed. Mommy wasn’t as happy when she heard the news, but somehow he managed to convince her by saying some magical words. After eavesdropping in their conversation, she remembered that he told her mommy that “Kids need the chance to explore their environment and make mistakes while playing without us grownups hindering their curiosity. It’s a way of learning and developing their skills.”   

Whatever he meant, Adrianna was just happy that they let her go off into the forest where her tree house was.  With that in the back of her mind, she climbed up the ladder excitedly and popped her head through the trap door. What she didn’t expect was someone else to be in her tree house, staring right at her. She huffed angrily as she pulled herself up onto the wooden floors and crossed her arms. She did not like sharing her tree house with random kids she did not know, especially not with boys since they had cooties and all.

“Who are you and why are you in my tree house?” demanded Adrianna as she watched the small boy peak out at her from under the table. For a moment, she almost felt bad for being so mean to him. He looked a little frightened and maybe nervous by her presence. But he did come into her tree house without permission... So maybe she had a tiny right to be mean.

The boy did not speak. He merely cocked his head to the side and stared back at her with emotionless blue eyes. As he continued to study her, all the fear and anxiety vanished from his face. Then with quick speed and agility, he was suddenly in front of Adrianna.

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