Lost In Neverland

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I stared into his eyes and realized how perfect they really were, something I had never noticed before.

"I love you" He nearly screamed, he was angry, beyond angry, pissed.

He jumped up and kicked at a nearby rock before connecting his fist with a flimsy tree which cracked and flew to the ground.

"I've loved you this whole fucking time! But we can never be that way! What am I even supposed to do, Bells! What am I supposed to do .." He voice trailed off and I stood up, stomping towards him.

"This is what you're supposed to do-"

I yelled. I was fed up with the lies, the games, the confusion. Everything I was so unsure of before was suddenly clear as day and the only thing that matter anymore was him.

"What are you-"

"Fuck you Liam!" I screamed and crashed my lips against his.

Nothing ever made sense between him and I, absolutely nothing. But somehow, some crazy way, this did.

Here we are, drenched, in this patch of green grass, in the middle of the woods, on a rainy day that's way too cold to warrant being outside, so much anger yet passion between us, and somehow everything makes perfect sense.

Our lips moved together in a way I didn't quite understand, so many things we had both wanted to say, to do, to forget, everything was laid out on the table in one kiss.

He placed his arms around my waist, walking backwards until we were backed up against a tree.

Any fear was lost as he moved his hands through my hair and I pressed against him, finally feeling something of pure bliss towards Liam.

I broke from the kiss, panting, and leaned into his chest.

"I didn't know I was supposed to do that" He laughed, running is hand along my spine.

"I didn't know you loved me" I smirked.

"Yes you did!"

"No I-" I was cut off by his mouth crashing against mine, silencing my words and allowing me to hear the crunch of footsteps in the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2014 ⏰

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