Where Adventure Takes Us

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Heso! :D

I'm here with a new fanfic guys! Nothing belongs to me except for my characters and my plot.

Hope yall enjoy it! :D


Akio was terribly hungry. It had only been about a week since he set out to sea as a pirate in search of adventure and yet here he was, drifting around the middle of nowhere, possibly starving to death.

"Damn it! Sooo hungry...." He mumbled to himself. "I was hoping to run into an island within three days, but..."

Grumble~ The sound from his empty stomach caused him to leave his sentence hanging.

"Man... Can't I at least run into another boat or something?" Akio fell backwards onto the deck of the boat. Putting his arms under his head, he looked up at the sky.

"I won't be so unlucky as to die before I have an adventure right?" He wondered.

A few minutes later...

Akio had been gazing at the blue sky for a few minutes. He saw clouds of different shapes and tried to think of what some of them resembled. However, all he could think of was food, and he soon decided to stop letting his imagination torture him. He was really so bored he had moved on to counting the birds he saw. He gave up soon though. There weren't any birds in the sky.

Damn... He thought. What if I might actually die of boredom? 

Just then, the sky seemed to grow dark, and Akio heard loud noises behind him. As the sky grew darker, he managed to pick out shouts from the cacophony of noises. Akio stood up and turned around. Only then did he notice that the sky didn't really grow dark. The shadow of a humongous ship behind had made everything seemed darker. The ship had a jolly roger flown, meaning that it was a pirate ship. The sides of the ship were painted with brown, green and black.

"Phew.. It's only an incoming ship." Akio sighed, wiping imaginary sweat of his forehead. Then came his moment of realisation.

"A SHIP!!!!" He yelled happily. "FOOD!!"

Akio stood by the side of his boat and watched as the ship came closer. He found a long rope dangling from one side of the ship and grabbed onto it. Giving it a tug, he confirmed that it was stable and started climbing up to the ship. When he climbed to the top of the rope, he noticed that there were many people on board. There was some sort of huge commotion happening. There were pirates everywhere, with food and beer in their hands. Two pirates, a male and female, seated near the front of the ship. All the pirates were dressed in some sort of punk fashion, and they were all heavily laden with piercings and tattoos. He decided to scan the deck first and see if anyone would notice him stealing food. Just when he looked to the side of the ship opposite him, he noticed a girl about his age clinging onto the side of the ship like he was doing. The girl noticed him too, and they locked eyes for a while.

The girl had long and straight brown hair that was held into a ponytail by two pieces of ribbon, one red and the other white. She had eyes that seemed to be a mixture of red and brown. Her lips were rather plump, and overall, she looked very beautiful and mature. She was wearing white fingerless gloves, and she was wearing some sort of robe. The robe appeared to have a hood which she left down.

The girl mouthed something to Akio. He managed to pick out what she was saying as, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" He mouthed back a reply, "Nobody much. I'm just here for some food." She gave back a simple reply. "Me too."

The girl pulled herself up onto the ship and Akio did so too. The both of them sneaked towards the food area.

"Who are you?" Akio whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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