[16] Hacking 101

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JinJin's POV-

"Is that her?," we saw a girl wearing the same uniform as Jihoon and Woojin enter the cafe and Sanha pulled out his phone to check, "Yep that's her, Hyung."

"I guess she doesn't know who we are yet," MJ stated as we watched walk right past us towards the cashier.

"I think she just wants to order something, Hyung," Sanha gave him a look, "Wanna-One did say that they gave her our profiles."

"But that doesn't mean she looked at them."

". . .True. . .," Sanha mumbled under his breath.

"Should I go talk to her?," I asked the three of them.  Eunwoo, Moonbin, and Rocky were currently on duty with our 'mission.'  Within our group we don't have a good hacker so that's why Wanna-One sent in Areum to help us.  I hope she's as good as those boys described her to be. . .

"Go for it," MJ shrugged.

I stood up, and began walking towards Kang Areum and stopped once I was next to her, "Are you Kang Areum?," I asked.

The girl never turned her head as her eyes were practically glued to the menu, "That's my name," she averted her attention to me, "You must be JinJin-shi?"

"Yep, and 'oppa' is fine."

"Why do you guys always insist that. . .," I heard her mutter, and I chuckled.

"What are you planning on ordering?"

"I don't know. . . Probably something sweet.  This café has some pretty good chocolate cheesecake."

"Ooh~  Nice choice," I grinned at her.  I pointed to the table where MJ and Sanha were at, and she followed the point of my finger, "We'll be sitting over there, okay?  Come over when you're finished ordering."

"Yes, sir!," Areum smiled cheekliy.

- - -

Around 5 minutes later, Areum came over with her chocolate cheesecake, and Taro Bubble Tea.  She sat down next to me, and she exchanged greetings with Sanha and MJ.

"So why am I hanging out with you guys?," she asked, and Sanha choked on his Choco Bubble Tea.

"Jisung Hyung or any of the other members didn't explain?!"

"Umm. . .no. . .," Areum answered slowly, "Why? . . . Am I doing something important?"

The boys and I exchanged glances:  Oh no. . .

"Uh. . . Just. . . follow us," I smiled nervously.

We lead her to our van, and she brought her food and drink along with her.  We hopped into the back of the vehicle, and Sanha closed the doors while MJ set up the advanced computer system that was tucked away neatly into the sides and tiny bar area of the back.

"You're supposed to help us track our other three members, Moonbin, Eunwoo, and Rocky, and you're also supposed to hack into any firewalls, alarms, or defense systems that will jeopardize our mission," I explained to her, and Areum went wide eyed.

"What?. . .," she asked quitely, ". . . Well I certainly missed out on an important conversation this morning!," she seethed, her saying 'I'm gonna kill Jisung when this is done. . .'

MJ scooted to a different chair, and Areum sat down on the main one in front of the computers.  The screens turned on, and Areum began cracking her knuckles, "Run me through what's going on," she ordered, eyes on the screens, fingers already typing.

"Our three active members are currently on the site of iBigHit.  We were given the chance to become allies with them, but only if we pass their tests," I began explaining.

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