New Beginnings

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you and midnight were walking to the classroom until she stopped you outside the door "Wait here until i call you in " you nodded as she kicked open the door, awfully dramatic

"Hello class! Hope your enjoying U.A so far! I'm-" "midnight cant you see im teaching my class?" "That can continue right after the students meet their new classmate!"

everyone started to murmur on who it might be and why midnight was introducing them. "Is it that girl you knocked out a few days ago, im surprised she still wanted you to recommend her after all that." "No worries we had it all sorted out earlier, she forgives me. Infact she was actually on her way here for the exams when she took down that villain" "right. Now where is she ?"

Midnight looked towards the door and yellled your name to come, you walked in and looked around your class to all the students. They gave you smiling faces while others didnt care, you could already tell this wasnt going to work. "Hi, welcome to my class introduce yourself and we can get started" "Hi, im (Y/N) Zomaru and i-ugh....." "Good enough, go take your seat beside Todoroki" "...Who?" "The half on half guy!" yelled some guy with blond spiky hair, you looked at the back and knew immediatly who he meant, though it was kinda rude it was accurate. You went to the back and sat down and listened to the lecture. A girl with short brown hair waved at you with a big smile, you stared her dead in the eye and might of scared her a little since she gave a worried look and turned back around quickly. You didn't mean to scare her but what were you supposed to do, smile? You weren't very good with people. The rest of the time the teacher rambled on about history.

Soon enough lunch began and everyone began to pack up their stuff, not only that but some how you attracted a swarm of people. "Hey! how did you get recommended by midnight, shes like a S rated hero!" "Hey weren't you on the news for the past few days?!" "you saved that kid right!" you didnt like large groups at all, once again a little socially awkward. they kept going with the questions when the same blond dude yelled "What is wrong with you people?! theres nothing damn special about her at all. pft, even i can take down one villain. Dont give such filth attention" while he was talking you slowly began to walk away and out of the back door of the class. you mentally thanked the guy even if he was being rude to you. once you were at the door they all turned back around to find you gone, but didnt take long to see you were at the door. you quickly closed it and ran down the hall somewhere since you didnt know where the cafiteria is. you didnt see them following you so you thought that they must of got the message. There you found a door that leaded outside to a garden filled with flowers of all sorts of colors.It looked nice, kind of reminded you of your home. Your mother always put flowers all over your house. But it felt as if the flowers weren't so bright anymore, they were just....dull now. Just then you felt a hand on your shoulder, turning around you saw that it was a red head from your class. "Hey! I'm Kirishima, welcome to class. Your name was (Y/N) right?" "Hi Kirishima, yeah I'm (Y/N)" "cool! i just wanted to say sorry about my friend Bakugo back there, he can be a bit of a hot head" "Don't worry about it, I wasn't offended" "Oh ok, hey since you don't really know anybody around here why don't you come and eat with my friends!" "Um I think I'll be-" he didn't let you finish when he started dragging you along with him to the cafeteria. 'What's with people dragging me today, first midnight now this guy?"

Once you were there and set with lunch you introduced yourself to the people around you, so far the names you got were Tenya, Midoriya and the brown haired girl from earlier, Uraraka. They all seemed nice, but this will probably be a one day thing. Your supposed to welcome the new guy, give hearts a flowers then you leave 'em for dead, that's how it always worked.  You didn't think much of it though because you even when that does happen you like to be alone now anyways, hard to say considering your parents though. They were always smiling bubbly people, that was until-"Hey (Y/N) what's your quirk about?" "Oh Ugh mine?.." what do I tell them, I basically have two? No I can't do that, if anyone else were to find out I could be tracked by 'them'. "Hey you alright?" Asked Midoriya "huh, oh yeah I'm ok. My quirk its called 'Dark resistance', it's basically a black liquid that I can move around into any shape form and control how ever I wish" "Woah, sounds neat. So it's a black liquid that can move into any-"
he mumbled under his breath while writing down notes. Just then you realized Kirishima was gone. "Hey where did he go?" "Oh Kirishima, well looks like he's over there with Bakugo" you turned to see everyone's favorite raging blonde, Bakugo with steam out of his ears fighting with some other guy. "He try's his best to keep Bakugo calm when angry, but of course it's a bit hard with a temper like his" said Tenya, right then suddenly Bakugo's attention landed on your table "youuuuu!" He said running up slamming his hands on the table staring you right in the eye "Bet you think your such a big shot don't you! We've all been here for almost the same amount of time! Doesn't matter if you decided to show up late! Acting like you run the place, I'll give you a piece of my mind!!" He said going to grab your collar. Sadly, keeping your cool wasn't something you were very good at. Before he could even touch you, you grabbed his collar and socked him in the face. The tables around you were dead silent. He slowly touched his face where you punched him and chuckled a little before looking at you with raging eyes that screamed 'your dead'. His hands started to spark as a sinister grin appeared on his face "Your gonna wish you never got accepted Wrench!" Just then he jumped towards you, ready to explode you when you also used your quirk. Black liquid came through the floor and up towards Bakugo,You used dark resistance to tie around both of his wrist and dragging him into the floor face first. The hard contact broke the floor under you into pieces. Guess he's the first one to get a whiff of your power. Just then he jumped back up backwards landing on his feet. He smiled a little saying "So you must be a long distance fighter if you didn't even move an inch that whole time, the only damn thing you did was move your hands" just then his hands charged up with explosions "This should end quick then" he said running towards you. Black resistance also engulfed your arm as you leaped towards him. '"Long distance huh?!" Just as you were about to send each each other flying the liquid around your hand disappeared and his explosions were gone too. 'What the hell?' You both instead crashed into each other and you landed on your back with him on top of you. You both looked up to see your teacher,  with glowing red eyes. This couldn't be good. He pulled up Bakugo with one hand and you with the other and tossed you up whispering menacingly into your ears "Class, NOW"
'Why me?'

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