Ch.1: Thirteen years of me

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I hated myself. I hated the way I acted, the way I dressed, the way I smelled, the way my hair never stayed straight unless I went to the hair salon (Which only lasted a day on a rainy one), I hated the way I walked, the sound of my voice. But you know what I hate the most. The color of my skin.

Do you know how it feels to get called burnt or even purple because my skin color was darker than most dark skins. I was the true definition of black. Every since fourth grade, I was the outcast, the black girl. My parents didn't even want me because I wasn't the Caramel complexion like my other siblings. I was put up for adoption at five. FIVE. I went from foster home to foster home, being mistreated, abused and disrespected. I became depressed, angry, suicidal. I didn't want to be here, I didn't know why I was here to begin with. I began drinking, popping every type of pill that you could name, all at just thirteen years old.

But then, then this woman came in to my life. Beautiful tan-kissed skin, an pair of icy blue eyes, honey blonde hair that hit her back. I swore she was the most beautiful woman I had seen in my life. And she took me in. ME. Out of all people, why? "I see something in you, something that I've never seen in anyone ever before. You have a past that needs to be heard and I'm here to help you".

And I've been living with Laurie for four years now.



This Chapter is pretty short but it's just letting Melani explain a little bit about her past which will make sense in the chapters to come. The first two chapters will be a little short but that's only because she'll be communicating with her schoolmates in the third chapter, maybe meeting a potential friend.

Now I will go into more depth and detail about her past but for right now this is all you need to know.

I LOVE feedback, I want my readers to tell me if I'm doing okay or not, 'like do I need to make my chapters longer or add detail'.

Also, This book also has a lot to do with race, gender, and somewhat politics (Not really, just here and there). Just a heads up, not trying to offend anyone. Basically it's like an real life story.

Anyways ..... Thanks for reading & go tell your friends and family about this book.

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