Ch.2 : New School

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(Since I want you to know what she has on in this chapter for your imagination, I put an picture of it in the media. I will do it randomly or for special events in an Chapter. You're welcome😌)


Flaws. That's all I saw as I looked into the mirror in my bedroom. I saw every flaw on my body, everything I hated about myself.

"Melani, Are you ready for breakfast? I don't want you to be late on your first last day!" Laurie yelled from outside my door. She knew how I felt about school. Just like my body, I hated it. All people did was stare, start rumors, and judge. And to be there 5 days a week, for 10 months, I just hated it.

I replied to her question with an simple 'Yes'. After hearing her sigh and the clicking of her pumps against the polished wooden floor as she left my bedroom door, I moved from the mirror, grabbing my bag off the floor. 

As usual, Laurie was in the kitchen making breakfast for the two of us, rushing to get everything done so she wouldn't be late for work. She worked as an assistant for her boss of some magazine company. I never really asked about it but I assumed it had to be from all the magazines scattered around the house.

"Hey, I'll be running late so you'll have to take the Mercedes. And please, please don't mess up my baby," I playfully rolled my eyes as I watched as she put my food on a plate while she hurriedly gobbled down her own. She looked at my appearance and sighed. "Really? You couldn't at least dress up for your last first day? Show some positive school spirit. Stop dressing like the day after you get some really nice long-"

" I really hope you're going to say massages," I cut her off, putting an hand up. "I don't see why you want me to dress up. Like what's the point? Going to school to learn, not impress anyone,".

It was true. I truly went to school for one thing, education. Yeah , I get that dressing nicer boosts your self esteem and confidence but I didn't need that. Why go to school for almost half the day and wear four to five inch heels and uncomfortable clothes? I'd rather wear my sweatpants. Laurie knew that this conversation was going to go nowhere so she just left it alone.

7:46 a.m

7:30 was the time that school started but seeing as though I just had to go to McDonald's and get an Caramel Frappe. Not to mention that traffic is really bad in the morning.

So here I am, rushing into the school building on the first day. Great.

You know that feeling when you're walking into a classroom filled with nothing but eyes staring you down as if you're lost or in the wrong room and you suddenly get shy and all your anxiety builds up. That was me right now.

22 kids stared me down as I walked into my first class, English lV. The teacher was an middle aged man with thinning black hair that he obviously dyed, old-styled clothing that looked as if it smelt like mothballs. I walked over to him and gave him my late slip, he did an once over at my body, nodding his head which made me feel uneven.

"Alright Class settle down! It seems as if we have an new you mind telling them your name and what school you came from ms?" He glanced at me, his glasses sitting at the bridge of his nose.

"Um, hi, I'm Melani and I came from Michael St High School" I talked in a sort of mumbled. Being as shy was one of my few characteristics. I stood shyly as I waited for directions from the teacher. This wasn't awkward at all. It was like he was giving people the chance to look me up and down and give their judgments about me and 

"Alright lets give Melani an warm welcome. Melani, there's an open seat next to Connor. Connor raise your hand please," I followed the tattooed arm and my eyes met his icy blue ones. It felt we were staring forever until he broke contact. I walked over to the empty seat and sat down, glancing over at him but he his head was down. He never bothered to pay attention to me or to anyone else for that matter. That class was over in a blur and Connor was the first person out the door. I didn't know why but I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, even if it was just an glance. Something about him just draws my attention. Maybe it was the bad boy look he had or the way his icy blue eyes held an story that was so deep and interesting.

" four-seventy-eight" I mumbled to myself. Looking for an locker number was just as hard as finding an classroom. My eyes scanned the lockers, getting frustrated because I had four minutes to get to my next class but I was determined to find my locker.

"Excuse me, this is my locker," An voice said gently behind me. I turned around to see an brown-eyed girl with shoulder length. With her being about five feet, I was able to look down on her. 

I muttered an quiet 'sorry' and moved out of the way. It was clear that I was beyond confused and I knew I wasn't gonna make it on time to my next class with one minute. You know how you can feel someone staring at you so you look in that exact direction? All the way down the hall, I locked eyes with those same blue eyes. Connor watched me intently for a few seconds before breaking eye contact, shaking his head and walking away. he way he looked at me, gave me chills but in a good way.

"I wouldn't if I were you," The same girl stood beside me, staring off to where Connor once stood. 

"What do you mean?" I questioned. Was Connor her boyfriend? Was he off limits? She turned to face me and chuckled.

"Oh you don't have to worry hun. He's not mine" She retorted. A wave of relief washed over me for some reason. "But I would be careful around him. He's nowhere near like the other boys in this school. He's an player and he doesn't care who he hurts"

I watched as her eyes grew dark, you could see that she had experience. It was a look I was all too familiar of, you go back to the past and visualize the things that cant be unseen. 

"Just promise me you won't fall for him," She spoke to me as if  I was her best friend. She looked me in the eyes as if she was pleading with me. I nodded, kinda scared of what she would do i I said no. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2018 ⏰

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