Chapter 1. New year same shit

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Oof… my books fell all over the floor and I struggled to stay standing.

“Hey watch where your going bitch!” someone yelled. Great first day back at school and I’m already road kill. Quickly collecting all my books before everyone tramples all over me I hurried to my locker, not everyone was here yet. You could tell by the sound of my feet pounding against the floor as ran through the halls of Golden Senior High School.

I don’t see what so Golden about it with most the lockers barely in tact or broken and the graffiti that stained almost every hallway. For those of you who don’t know my name is Abigail and I have notoriously long hair. Now you are probably thinking how is having long hair such an issue, am I not correct? You see times have changed; guys now have if not the same length then longer hair than girls.

The female hair consists of pixie hair or almost bold. However in this school most girls only have something like a Mohawk, which of course is always coloured everyone doesn’t even know what their natural hair colour is anymore.  My brother and I always get teased about our hairstyles however I’m the lucky one that always gets teased because my brothers’ hair cut is more acceptable and he may be the bad boy of the school who every girl wants to be with.

Taking a deep breath I closed my locker with a loud bag causing the sound to echo throughout the school. Deciding it was best to go hide before class I made my way toward the back door admiring the graffiti on the walls. It may be illegal but to my luck most people who do this kind of thing is really talented and can pull of some pretty amazing work. Sadly not everyone is as gifted and talented as most people so some hallways of the school are very unpleasant and terrifying to walk through, especially when your alone and especially for me. Burying my dark thoughts I sat down behind a tree and prepared myself for a very long day.


God could this day get any worse? I mean seriously it’s only lunch and already people have tried to cut my hair off and they are making my life a living hell. Luckily the benefits of being having a brother who is the bad boy of the school is that he is able to scare a lot of them away and tells them to stop but sadly only when it becomes to much.

For example right now! Diesel had a death grip on my arms holding my back as I tried to lunge forward at the schools rich girls, mainly the head of their little ‘possie’ her name is Christina Sails.

“We all know this is only an act.” Christina stated.

“What is an act Christina?” I asked her bitterly.

“You know your brother holding you back even though you are the weakest little longhaired bitch around. You aren’t even strong!”

Just an act, my head whipped around to face Diesel saying ‘you have you got to be fucking kidding me’ Diesel abruptly released my arms and my elbow suddenly connected with her face. The loud cafeteria was hushed and the loud whispers where the only sound heard. Christina laid limp on the floor whimpering. Not caring I gripped her at her neck and picked her up by only her neck. The chocking and the struggle to breathe didn’t bother me as I spoke quietly in her ear.

“My brother holds me back for a reason you fucking whore. You better be grateful that I am in somewhat of a good mood.”

Dropping Christina I walked out of the cafeteria with my head held high with Diesel at my side. A smirk crept upon my lips knowing that Diesel and I are inseparable, looking up at him I saw he was smirking and my head raised even more not knowing it was possible. Just before we exited Diesel grabbed my hand quickly giving it a gentle squeeze. Releasing my hand Diesel spoke.

“This, Christina, is why I hold my sister back next time you try anything on her I won’t be stopping… I will be joining her.” Even though he didn’t say it every living person in this room knew that Diesel included the implication to them. Turning back around we kept walking with smirks firmly planted on our faces. After turning the corner the smirked fell off my face trying to find a way to explain things to Diesel. Once he stopped I knew I was in trouble, afraid to face him I finally spoke…

“Look Diesel I’m sorry okay? She just pushed me to far with the insults and her friends trying to cut my hair for the hundredth time today-“

Running up to me he captured me in a bear hug laughing.

“Don’t apologise to me” he spoke with a grin. “I’m so proud of you, your training is really kicking in plus I’m also surprised you have lasted this long your stronger than I thought.” Grinning back “This is why I’m your sister, someone’s got to hold you in place. Thank you.”

I hugged him back. No words were needed to be spoken knowing exactly what I meant. The sound of someone coughing in the background pulled us out of our trance.

“Well I never thought I would see the famous Diesel so soft.” Hudson, someone I used to have a crush on, expressed. Before Diesel said anything I got him to walk away, once out of ear shot I finally spoke.

“What do you want Hudson?” Eyeing him cautiously. He took a deep breath now full well knowing I will kick his ass if he tries’s anything.

“I have two things to say… first what you did in the cafeteria was really cool, you really showed Christina and … well everyone else what your capable of” “Thanks” “But that isn’t why I’m here…”

“Well then why are you?” My nerves kicked in knowing that this isn’t going to be good. “ I have this letter that I’m supposed to give you, I don’t know who it’s from it’s like a pass the parcel and it will get to you when the person who has it finds it. Oh, it hasn’t been opened either so no-one knows what’s in it” He said in a hurry I almost couldn’t keep up.

“It’s okay Hudson,” giving him a small smile I reached out grabbing the letter. Awkwardly he tucked his hands into his dark jeans That hung loosely around his hips.

“Thank you, you know for giving it to me and for not reading it.” Leaving it at that I turned around scanning the envelope. Suddenly stopping as a small gasp escaped my lips I abruptly broke out into a sprint. I had to find Diesel and fast! Fear started taking over my body, I know this scrawny writing anywhere, it’s safe to say this isn’t good! Hell that’s an understatement. Running harder and faster I started yelling out for my brother afraid to open the letter and see it’s contents…



First chapter guys yay !! i hope you like it, I'm sorry of it's a little crappy but it's the first chapter so there is a lot of room for improvement hehe anyway, please comment and vote that would mean the world to me. Thank you, lovely people MissD xx

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