Family and School

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My parents apparently so called get me while they don't fucking care about me or my two younger brothers because all they care about is their 'precious little angel' while really she is a bitch that gets under your nerves with her trying to know everything you do and if it's bad tattle on me. Add my youngest younger brother to the tattle telling list. For crying out loud, he tattled on me in second grade when I first read a fanfiction that only had cuss words. Nothing else. Then there's the shitty school year that is only six weeks in and one of my teachers is already on my 'asshole and I want to kill her' list. Deal with it Sabrina Arnic! Because of me learning how to play the viola, I got two blisters on my fingers not to mention that some things I want to do are rescheduled because of rehearsals and concerts. My siblings are the worst when it comes to fanfiction. They want me to understand what they like while they don't fucking give a shit about my crap.I am ready to jump into Hell the first chance I get.

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