Part 15: Chubby girl and popular hot guy. What a match!

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Will's POV

That way home was not a pleasant one. I could not stop thinking about the possibilities involved. Me being with Jessica had been a spread of the moment decision, but I knew that it would be better for Abby. If she ever liked me, she could forget about me as easily as it started. And I would have to suck it up and assimilate that Jessica and I were an item now.

Of course, Jessica didn't know about us but it wouldn't be difficult for her, I guessed. She seemed to cling to my body as if it were candy. I knew what her intentions were. I knew her kind; I had had my share of that sort of girl before.

Those kind of girls only wanted guys with money, and if possible with looks, so that they could brag them to their friends. I was no one's arm-candy, but I would have to play the game for Abby.

Abby was suffering the consequences of Jessica's shitty personality, and I suspected that she had had to put up with her all of her life. Until now, because I was planning on making everything easier for her. I'd do my best.

I got home an hour after I left school, I didn't realize I was on my way to Abby's until I reached her street. My sub-conscious was playing tricks on me. Deep down I knew drawing away from her would be difficult, but I had to do it for her sake. For the sake of her happiness and tranquility.

I drove my car away from Abby's and got home. My sister was waiting for me sitting on the porch. She looked very cute on her tiny white dress and her hair loosed showing her ringlets. When she saw my car pulling over the entrance, she ran to meet me and I carried her in my arms and took her to the house hopping, because I knew that's what she liked.

"Higher, Willy! Jump higher!" I did what she wanted and we got to the living-room panting. Me from exhaustion and she from cheerfulness. I sat on a couch and Rosie did the same next to me.

"Are you alright, Willy?" she asked looking at me.

"Yeah, of course I am!"

"Well, you don't look fine. You look sad, Willy. I think that when people are in love they are supposed to be happy, and you're not."

"Who said I was in love?" I asked, avoiding the main question.

"Let's see" she said looking at the ceiling and thinking hard "you've been acting so strange, singing and looking goofy almost always. And mom said that you had a girl. So, that's why I thought you were in love. But now, I'm not so sure."

"You see, Rosie. People in love are not always happy."

"Then, I don't want to ever fall in love if it's going to make me sad."

"Don't say that Rosie. Being in love is great, it's just that things don't always work the way you think. Sometimes being in love is hard, but I'm sure for you it will be fine."

"So, if it's OK to be in love. Why are you so sad then?"

"Because... I don't know Rosie. I just don't know." She hugged me then, and sighed as if she felt my misery.

"Don't be so sad, I'm sure you will fall again. You have always had girls." She giggled and looked at me.

"Abby is especial, though."

"Abby? Isn't she the nice girl from the beach?"


"And you like her???"

"Why are you so surprised?"

"Because Abby looks normal and healthy, not like the girls you usually go out with who are very very veeerrrryyy thin. It's like they don't eat at all." She giggled again and I laughed with her but didn't say anything back.

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