Thus Begins A New Day

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HEY THAT'S THE SONG MENTIONED IN THE CHAPTER! Frank ( Hobo Johnson) is an amazing artist and all of his songs are really heart felt so I recommend him highly. Here's a live link too Frank is quite the beautiful boy:

I quickly showered, rushing to put clothes on I saw a red jacket with tons of patches and a polar bear on the back, my black t-shirt and my jeans. Rushing down stairs I stumble into the kitchen where Michael is making breakfast while he is swaying and humming a tune. I snuck up behind him wrapping my arms around and said "whatcha listenin' to?" He practically jumped out of his skin while humming, and quickly said "oh uh, Sex in the City by Hobo Johnson, his music is great ." I chimed in as he trailed off, not knowing I knew all the lyrics to the song "And I'm not saying that they're perfect. I'm just saying that they're different. And the difference is they love to wear skirts"I laughed awkwardly as he stared at me "was it really that bad?" "NO NO IT WAS RESLLY COOL, I just didn't think you'd know the song." I rubbed the back of my neck "thanks, yeah I've been listening to em since I was a freshman and had Spanish II with you". He finished cooking eggs, pancakes and bacon. We fixed our plates and sat in the living room eating. I had rolled my eggs and sausage into the pancake with a tinge of syrup in it. "That looks gross" he said "well, in my defense the eggs are really dry and sausage with syrup is amazing" "MY EGGS ARENT DRY" "yes they are" I set my plate down just as I'm assaulted with tickles as he wells "TAKE IT BAAAACK!" "AAAAAGH*laughter*OKAY YOUR EGGS WERE PERFECT" he stops immediately "I know" I jokingly scoff back "okay princess Leah" he pipes up "speaking of Star Wars we should watch some" "Well I've seen all of them sooooo" he pauses and and pretends to twiddle with a nonexistent mustache, then looks at me "you're wearing my jacket?!" I nod "it's soft, we should go bum around town, buy old sodas from Spencer's and go check on my turtle" "YOU HAVE A TURTLE? What's it's name?" "*insert what you'd name a turtle*" he nods soaking in new and oh so vital information. "Soda and turtle got it, can we add lunch in there somewhere?" "WE JUST ATE!" "Well we wouldn't get lunch now but it needs to be in the plan" "okay okay we can take turtle to the mall, get lunch and turtle food" "WELL I need to shower and get dressed Imma be done in like 30 minutes" "30 minutes Michael, you don't need to impress anyone I'm impressed by you already" "Oh well then what's so impressive about me, y/n?" "Oh yah know stuff...." "what stuff;)" "um you're pretty tall, you're smart, nice, funny, great taste in friends, obviously, you're cute in an awkward way where if you just said things confidently and swaggered instead of slouching I couldn't get near you because of the hoards of girls around, hehe" he blushes slightly, rocking on his heels and staring into space. I give him a peck on the cheek "go shower you smell like Halloween party".

Michael's POV
She's so sweet does she really think I'm cute enough to have any girl like me and all the other stuff. GEEZ she's amazing. I wonder if her turtle will like me. I get to bathroom and shower getting out and yes, blow drying my hair it, makes it fluffy -_-. I get dressed and rush down stairs. I screech as I trip on the last step and completely topple onto y/n "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY I-I-I..." "it's fine mike but YOU'RE CRUSHING MY BOOOB OWOW" He jumps up quickly and pulls me with him "I'm SORRY really I didn't mean to I uh.." I kiss him to make him stop his stammering. He stops his apologizing and melts into my touch. After a while we need air and pull away. "I have the keys come on" y/n says and jingles them in front of my face with a grin. 

Normal POV
Music plays in the background as we talk about life and stuff (real specific). Then I hear it the secret chord the 4th, the 5th, the minor fall, the major lift. Michael was already singing and I join in and then we're at my house. We walk in my mom's home, dad's probably in his office. "Hi hon, who's this?" My mom chirps "this is Michael, Michael this is mom" the greet each other "I came to pick up my turtle we're gonna go the mall and get food for us and the turtle'' my mom nods "could you get your sister some Poki?" My mom says shoving 10 bucks into my hand "sure but I'm keeping the change" "yeah yeah just go" she replies and we out the door.

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