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Once upon a time, not too long ago, there lived a girl, named Sandra. She was a quiet girl, with not many friends. She was not shy, no. She just didn't know to socialize properly.

With that being said, she spent her days on her phone. Or laptop. Phone mostly. She was no a high school girl, so she didn't really enjoy Facebook.

Since she was a loner, she loved daydreaming. One day, she discovered Pinterest. At first, she had no idea how that worked. But learning, she found out that Pinterest could be her new toy.

Sandra loves online quizzes and tests. She loved trying to answer what type of myth creature she was, what type of food best describe her personality. And to her surprise, Pinterest got it all.

One day, while she was scrolling her board, she came across a quiz. It's called "What is your invisible guardian want to tell you". She, being herself, feeling attracted to that, quickly press the button 'let's play'.

This quiz however, didn't have the fancy background picture like the others would have. It just appeared black, with white writings of questions.

She didn't mind that though. She started playing. After answering 10 questions, it said 'calculating results'. But when the result was shown, she was nothing but terrified.

In the picture, it was her. Right at the very moment. Looking down to her phone, wearing the pink-white stripes shirt and sweatpants, hair in ponytail. It was her! In the Pinterest answer?!

She swallowed her curiosity, and scroll down reading the text.

"Your invisible guardian has been trying to reach you for quite sometime now. She made you stumble upon this thing. Sandra, be careful. It's not the living that's dangerous. It's something lurking in the dark. It's been there for so long. It wants your soul. Your soul has got something that make this 'thing' grow stronger. It has been a while now. I've been trying to reach you for the last 10 years. That 'thing' was weak back then. You could stop it. But now, as time passes as you read this, know that, that 'thing' is more than capable to eat you alive. I'm sorry. It's hard to reach you. Goodbye, Sandra."

Sandra was stunned, to say the least. She can barely move her head. Last she knew, she felt something wet on her neck. Before she can even move her hands, she felt something sharp on her shoulder. She glanced to the side to see long, wrinkly fingers, with never-been-cut nails, digging (literally) into her shoulder. She let out one short ear-piercing scream before she felt the sharp nails cut through her neck. Then everything went black.

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