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Long chapter ahead for updating late! (Again) I hope you'll like this one :)

Warning: mature themes

We're only five chapters away from the end! Stay tuned, people!



There was a fine line between being honest and simply being driven with emotions.

Vivienne was the latter, unfortunately.

She never meant to say those three words out loud. She never planned to sound so-needy. Yet everything happened all at once.

Everything, of course, except the thing she wanted the most.

She was almost sure that Eros reciprocated her feelings-she wouldn't say love per se, because love is too overrated nowadays, but she felt enough emotions with him to consider herself hopelessly doomed.

Still, he had flashed her a sad smile and closed his window, drawing his white curtains and shutting her out of his life forever.

She had stayed frigid even as her world shattered all over again.

"Hello?" came a very familiar voice from the other end of the phone. Vivienne resisted the urge to sigh out loud in relief. She told herself over and over again that she won't pester Althea anymore; that she won't burden her with the problems she carried on her shoulders, but the need to talk to someone-anyone-was too much to tolerate.

"It's me," Vivienne said, her tone low as she nipped on the end of her pencil. Ever since her talk with Eros last night, she was finding it tedious to do the one thing that relaxed her: doing homework.

"Vivienne, what is it this time?" Althea sounded both disgusted and concerned at the same time, a feat only she can achieve.

Vivienne gulped, collapsing on her rock-hard bed. "I want to tell you something," she managed to reply steadily.

"Are you finally telling me why you've been MIA in every way these past weeks?"

There was a beat. "No, I'm not."

But I want to tell you about the boy next door and the way he makes me feel. I want you to know how much it feels like suffocating-but the good kind of it. It's like I'm addicted to him even though I know he's not good for me. But maybe I am not good for him. I don't know. I just want to talk to you. I need an advice. I need a friend. A friend I'll never fall in love with. Scratch that. I just need my best friend now. Again. Please.

Vivienne knew what she wanted to say-what was needed to be said, but there were no words. Suddenly, all she can do was stare at the ceiling and hope that Althea can read her mind so that she won't have to stumble over her words and lie again and again.

The silence from the other line was becoming unbearable. "Thea, are you there?"

A sharp intake of breath. "Don't talk to me, please. Not unless it's about what I wanted to know."

Panic crept its way to Vivienne's chest. This was unbelievable. She can't afford another rejection-not now. "No, please. Just listen to m-"

"Stop, Vivienne," Thea cut off harshly, her tone laced with underlying hurt and tiredness. "I've had enough of your overly enigmatic personality. I can't be in a friendship with you, all right? Especially if I were the only one fighting the battles the both of us should partake of."

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