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'HEY KIT WAKE up' shouted non other than Kyuubi
"Goddamit furball dont shout" said naruto
'Oh and also just think words and ill understand we cant have you going crazy like ichibi' said Kyuubi
'Gee thanks for the complimeng you stupid fox' said Naruto
'Kit shut up go get 35 pound weights and run 10 laps around Konoha NOW' said Kyuubi

After 10 laps around konoha

"Whew that was exhausting" Naruto said to no one
'Kit just think words or people will think you are crazy'said kyuubi
'Gee ok sorry'replied naruto through thinking words
'Hey kit when i was sealed in to someone i saw the Yondaime Hokage do a jutsu called Rasengan so ill try and teach you that'
'Alright when ill learn this jutsu ill be the hokage for sure' said naruto with determination

Timeskip 2 weeks when i mastered rasengan

"Hahaha Yes i finally did it i finally managed to complete the rasengan' thought Naruto
'Alright Kit since we have 2 more week before the chuunin exams ill train you chakra control beacuse its shit'said Kyuubi to naruto
'Thank you friend'
'Kit you are the third to earn respect from me the first one was Rikkudo Sennin the second Mito Uzumaoi and now you Naruto Uzumaki so call me Kurama Kit'said the now named fox kurama

Alright thats it for chapter 2 hope you like it and next the first fight Naruto vs Neji Ja Ne

The SummonerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora