Part 81

239 11 3

(Y/Ns POV)

"what the hell did you say?"

"You're Merle. Merle Dixon."

he grunts and turns his back away from me and hangs his head

"I know your brother. I know Daryl." I say calmly

"You're bullshitting!" he says still turned away from me.

I knew that if I said this, things will get better. Well if he believed me that is but how could he not? I knew his name and his brothers. I knew who he used to be with before he came to this place.

"Did you even see the group that this people here captured along with me?"

He gives me a side eye and stays silent.

"Glenn, carol, the rest of them. There all here somewhere."

He signs then turns around

"My brother.... Where is my brother?"

His voice calm. The first time it has been that way since he has come into the room.

"You tell me where they are. My group. You help me leave and I'll take you to him."

Of course I didn't exactly know where Daryl was. But I knew that I had to say that to get out of the situation I was in.

"You expect me to help you?"

"You want to see your brother again?"

He paused and put his hand under his chin.

"Are you seriously thinking about his?"

I say angrily

"It's your brother for shits sake"

Swearing wasn't what I did but I didn't care at the moment

"Of course I care"

He whispers. He walks closer to me and I flinch, not knowing of what he might do.

"I don't know how I'll help. How we could get out of this place. It sure as hell isn't easy"

He whispers again, this time close to my face.

He then glanced at my stomach. Knowing that I was pregnant I thought I could use that as a way to make him stop interrogating or hurting me, but that didn't help. But if he knew who the father was... Then maybe.

"It's Daryl's."

I say simply

I looked at his face for a change in expression. But I didn't see any.

He just nodded and continued to stare at my abdomen

"I'm not surprised."

"Why aren't you?"

"He was always so predictable, my baby brother"

"What are you..."

"He always liked them independent... Strong...And that's you."

I pursed my lips and looked at the closed door behind him

"I'll help."

He says simply

"But it'll take awhile. You have to be ready for what might happen. And that ain't gonna be good..."

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