Disteretres equal Love

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[Athena is the picture]
     Aphrodite was doing her daily walking around Olympics for intertament. When in the distance she hears yelling, so naturally she walks over to investigate what's happening. When she gets there she sees Athena and Poseidon arguing again. She rolled her eyes and walks off not wanting to get involved or having deal with them acting like little kids trying to decide who's better. The next day Aphrodite was on her walk again. When of course she runs across Poseidon and Athena argue yet again. She face palms and walks away from them quickly. The next day yet again Aphrodite is on her walk and yet again she comes across Athena and Poseidon arguing. Let's just say this happenes for quite a few months. Well today Aphrodite has finally had enough of those two fight, so she tells her son Eros, or to most better known as Cupid which is actually his Roman name, to shot his arrows of love into them to get them to stop fighting. Well at least for a little while. So her son Eros of course does as she ask because he really is a mommy boy. He sly hides in a tree close to where the two gods are arguing. He readys his arrows and fires them. The two arrows hit their targets straight on. Athena and Poseidon immediately stop fighting one other. Eros now knowing that his arrows worked go back to his mother and tells her that he was successful in his mission. Aphrodite praised her son for a job well done. Mean while, while Aphrodite is praising her son, Poseidon and Athena were getting there thing on. An becoming very very close to one other. The next day when they woke up an saw one other they both yelled at one other and then tried to figure out what happened to them for them to end up in this situation. They have some how figured out Aphrodite was be hide it all. They both went to her palace to yell at her for what she had her son do. After they finished yelling at her. Aphrodite just said " are you finished yelling at me yet. " they remained silent " good because I'm going to tell you why I did my little trick. You guys never shut up. It's annoying to hear you guys fighting all the time. I just needed a break for a while hearing you two fight. And that's exactly what happened last night. " then both kinda of started at her for a second and said " we don't fight that much... do we?" Aphrodite " yes, yes you do. " Athena " well if we truely do fight as much as you say in order not to bother anyone anymore we shall just stay away from one other. " Poseidon " I'm just fine with that as long as I never have to be trick like yesterday again." For the next few weeks they both keep their agreement of not going anywhere close to each other at all. But during those weeks Athena hasn't been feeling well. She soon figured out that she is infacted pregnant. Not only is she pregnant , but she's pregnant with her biggest rival's child. She writes to Poseidon at once and tells him to meet her at Aphrodites palace in 2 days to talk about something really important.
     Timeskip to the meeting.
Athena tells Poseidon and Aphrodite about the child and what they should do about it. They diseased that they will ask Hades and Persephone to raise the child once it's born in the hidden underworld away from all the other gods, because if any of the other gods ever found out about who the child's true parents they might shame the two gods and the child or give the child a hard time an a horrible life/existence. They also have one other plan just in case they say no. Which is they would have to killed the child the moment it is birth.

{ well that's the end of the first chapter tell me what you think if you like to. I hope to see you in the best chapter peace.
Word count. = 699 }

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