The cute L

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They were at the agency, waiting for L and Misa to hear the instructions of the new case, until the two arrive, with a really happy Misa and a shy L. Light didn't imagine that one of the best days of his life would start with a heart attack, and all because that detective called L.

L was wearing a beautiful red-wine dress shirt, unbottoned near the neck, a beige coat that reached above the knees, which showed really well his curves, instead of hiding them, and black jeans. He was wearing, too, for some miracle of the Lord, simple black shoes. Light didn't have any single idea of how, but L was walking totally straight, which made him taller, but his expression, defenseless. Then, Light looked at his face. God, his face. Somehow, in a magic manner, the dark circles of L's eyes had dissapered, and it semeed that someone had made him eat and drink something that wasn't sweet, because L seemed calmer and touched his mouth like if he wanted to take away the flavor in it. Light noticed (no, just observed, casually, he wasn't looking at L's mouth, not at all) that L's mouth had a light tone of red, marking his lips. Light, of course, didn't think that they were perfect to kiss or wondered about how would be the sensation of having them against his. Not at all. What really surprised everybody was L's hair, always messy, now straight and shiny against the white skin, contrasting the angelic apperence of L in a gorgeous manner. His cheeks were lightly pink, and he looked to the sides. He said good morning and sat down, taking of the shoes to place his feet on the chair, as always. Light stared at him, mesmerized. What the hell did happened to L? No, better, who had obligated him to look like this?

Misa didn't stay a minute quiet while L explained the new case. She giggled, wiggled herself, drummed her fingers on the table. If Light didn't know better, he would say that L had dressed like that for her. But that wasn't possible, right? And why did he care? It wasn't like he was in love with L...

Actually, it was, and Light knew that for a long time. After all, he wasn't any fool. L personality, of doing simply everything well, enchanted Light. His intelligence scared him and his nobility made him always want to be sure that he wouldn't put himself in danger because of the others. A selfish desire, but Light didn't care about that. Also, as it was being comproved at the moment,  L was far from ugly. However, Light knew that his feelings towards the raven wasn't, problably, reciprocated, because, dam, he loved L, and the detective was problably straight. He may even like Misa, and Light couldn't blame him, Misa was attractive. Stupid and annoying, but attractive. Even if he knew all that, even so,  Light ended up taking Misa to a corner, with the excuse of trying to calm her, and finally asked: 

-For who L got dressed like that, Misa?-He was trying to stay calm, but it was hard, especially when he imaniged she getting her hands on the handsome L. On his L. The girl giggled one more time, irritating Light to a considerable point.

-He didn't tell me, he just entered in my house, without knocking, like a pervert that he is, and asked me to "fix him", because he wanted to impress some guy.-Light was hit by multiples realizations with that sentence. The first, it wasn't for Misa that the raven was like that. The second, L was gay-or at least bissexual-, and the third, he was like that for someone. That made spread in Light a bitter sensation, as if he was touching several times a really painful wound. Dimissing Misa and thanking her, Light entered in the room again, trying to keep up with L's explanation and the questions of the agents, without much success. His mind would only pay attention to dark and possessives thoughts of trying to make L change his mind about that person. If he needed L to dress like that to love him, for sure he wasn't worthy of L's love. Not that L was ugly like that, however Light simply thought that L was beautiful in every manner, and the person that L loved had to at least agree with that. Light was curious too, to know how L would behave when he was in love. He wanted to have L like that, but had to swallow the jealousy. If he really loved L, he needed to let him be happy. Sighing, Light looked at the papers that were handed by the english detective for him, who keep talking. For Light's shame, he didn't have a single idea of what were the papers or the talk about. Even if he did understand the informations, it was like reading a comic book in a foreign language: simply useless. With so much frustation in his mind, he didn't notice the eyes of his colleagues in him, until the beautiful raven hair boy cleared his throat, and looking at the brown-haired boy fiercily, repeted the question:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2017 ⏰

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