Chapter 3:This isnt possible

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Yay I thought I start following behind

"Get in line first years"

We form a line, as usual I get pushed towards the back. Everyone slowly goes in one by one. Brining out a small cat.
She looks at me,
"Good luck!" I say
"Thanks!" She's says.
She walks into the room and shortly after comes out with a white and black spotted cat.
"Awwww! What's it's name?" I ask
"Serena." Aliyah says smiling
"Aww that suits her!"
I smile and walk in. I look around hmmm um I can't seem to see any...
The window rustles as this beautiful golden owl swoops in through the a window and lands on my arm.
"I- ah- wha-at." I manage to stutter in shock.

I pat it's beck as it leans into my hand. I giggle. She's so cute. Wait. I though only cats can be familiars, is she my familiar?

I here whispers behind as professor Riverwish and another witch are talking. I pick up a few words.

"This has never happened in the history of magic!"

"I know what do we do?"

The other witch walks up to me.
"Hello young willow, I am professor Skyfall."

"Hello," I say Shyly.

"Quite a familiar you have there."
I chuckle.
"Please follow me.." professor Skyfall said as she walked I followed after her with the owl still on my arm. We arrive in front of a big door. She knocks.

"Come in!"

We walk in and see the headmistress.

"Ahh Professor Skyfall what can I do for you?"

"Well we have a strange situation,"


"Willow come here dear."

I walk up to her with the owl.
I bow my head

"Headmistress Shadow caster" I say

She looks up.

"Oh my.." Miss SC aka Headmistress shadow caster.

I look at the owl.

"Have you named it?" Miss SC asks

"Ah no!"

"We'll go on then,"

"Hmm, I name her... Oaka"

"Wonderful! If you don't mind I will talk to miss Skyfall."

"Of course"

I walk out. Trying to take in what just happened.

Has that ever happened before?!?!

I don't think so. In the first. And I'm a green witch. Wow.

Hmm maybe I am more than i thought.

A/N what y'all think?!?!
I'm on school break so I will update as much as possible this week :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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