Talkin'-Chapter 2-

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Catlin's Schedule:

7:30Am - 8:30Am History

8:30AM - 9:30Am Science

9:30Am - 11:00Am Lunch

11:00AM - 12:30PM math

12:30Pm - 1:00Pm Arts

1:00Pm - 2:00Pm P.E.

2:00PM - 2:30Pm Study Halls


Catlin's Pov

I finished Doing Some of my classes so its now Lunchhh "Eyyy Lunchhh!" i said excitedly then i run to my locker to grab my Bag Filled with a bunce  of Chips , cola , sprite and a Sanchwich filled with nutella n Peanutbutter while i was grabbing that i remembered the guy i bumbed into who wants to hangout , i opned my phone and texted him 'hey'then he responded back quickly 

Catlin: Hey

Tyler: Sup

Catlin: Nothing Much Just about to eat lunch ...How bout ya?

Tyler: JUst about to eat lunch aswell...Wanna Hang?

Catlin: Sure! Where you wanna meet up?

Tyler: hmm...How about Meet me at the back of the school...y'know hwere the park is?

Catlin: Yeah i know that place...I Like chillin'there

Tyler: Cool! ill meet you there! Bye

Catlin: Okay ..Cya!

i turned of then started to walk  to the back of the school where the small park is

5 minutes later of walking

i arrived behind the school then i saw Tyler "Heyy" i said walking towards him "Oh Hey!" Tyler said with a blush "Wanna eat together? By the park?" i asked while he nodded and we walked together to the park and sat under the tree by the grass near the small pond "I like this place.." I said smiling then looking around "why so?" Tyler asked then getting his lunch off his bag and eating it "Cause Its Peaceful ...It calms me down y'know?" I said smiling at him then getting my lunch out of my bag "So...You like games?" he asked while i nodded "HELL YEAH!" i said excitedly while he chuckled "Do You like games?" i asked back while he nodded aswell "OF course! Games Are Fucking Awesome!!" Tyler said chuckling "I Know right?! Whats your Favourite game?"I asked him while eating my sandwich "Gta5!" He said quickly then eating his Spaghetti with Meatballs "Cool! Mines Minecrafttt" i said drinking my cola "Oh cool! i have minecraft too" Tyler said smiling "We should play sometime" he said at me while i smiled "Definitely!" i said while Finishing my sandwich "Whats Your Favourite Color? Mines Black and Red" i said Eating a bag of chips now "Oh! Mines Black and Red Too!" He said "God damn we have alot in common now,Huh?" I said giggling "Yep!" he said chuckling 

Time passed

"Hey what time is it?" i asked then we looked at our phone its was now 10:50Pm "Okay...Lets go back before we get late.." he said while i agreed and picked up our stuff then started to walk inside the school "It was fun meeting you! we should hangout or play video  games sometime!" he said blushing "Sure! id like that!" i said then walking away to go to my class "Heyy Boss...Where were you? we were trying to look for youu" Leo said behind me while leaning on a wall "Oh i just met a New friend...Sorry didn't told you guys awhile ago.." I said "Damnnn They made friends with you?! Who ever it is...They got fucking Guts to talk to you and not be fucking scared" Kat kat said snickering "Yeah..She got a point Boss" Pervlin said smirking at me "eh..I guess..." i said shrugging "Hey Boss? Were sorry but i think we can't accompany You going home today..." Crystal said looking sadly at us "Oh right! we almost forgot to tell you.." Shadow said looking guilty "Don't worry its fine.." i said smiling at them while they smiled back with a guilty expression "What you guys gonna do?"i asked then there face darkens "While we were...walking trying to find you...There was this...Group of girls...Kat kat heard them talking about You and our gang..And yeah.." leo said looking pissed "For short..they were Talking Bad stuff behind our back and we Got more pissed because they were talking bad stuff about you" Spirit corrected "YEAH! No one talks Bad stuff about our Boss!" Crystal "So thats why were gonna beat them up.." Kat kat said while i just nodded "Okay..Good...Just don't kill them Ok?" i asked while they nodded "And Make sure when your finished make them shut up their mouths and doen't tell anyone bout it, got that?" i commanded "Yes Boss!" they all siad then walked away waving bye while i waved back and walked to my class 

Me right now when Catlin Senpai Noticed me XD:

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Me right now when Catlin Senpai Noticed me XD:

I can't believe You actually noticed me XD OMG I Love you! Im Hoping your gonna like this story! 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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