Amongst Good People

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Among all the "good" people you are surrounded by: there will always be one person who in front you think "like you". But behind your back really hates you. They despise you, spread lies about you and bring you down to their level. And sometimes want you dead.
This people are people who you least expect them to be. 

They could be your friend, best friend heck even  with someone you're in a relationship with. If you don't see  Them for you they really are; they would be like parasites. you may not see them for the monsters they truly are. But if you do see them for who they are and they already know. THEY WILL TORMENT YOU. They will try even harder to hurt you, bring you down, make other people hate you.

So, a word of advice, don't be surprise of fake friends.
Be surprise there still are good people


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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