1. The Captivated Heart

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Walking into school with my two best friends, Dave and Rose, and my cousin, John, we made our way to our first class of the year, English. 

"So, Jade, homecoming will be coming up in just a few weeks. Do you have anyone you plan to take?" Rose asked slightly more cheerful than usual. 

"Please. My cousin? Ask someone to the dance? She doesn't even like anyone. Ain't that right, cos?" John teased.

Ignoring John's rude and incorrect remarks, I replied to Rose, "I'll probably just ask Nepeta or Aradia to have a sleepover and hang instead. Dances aren't really my thing." If only I had the courage to ask Dave...

"But Jade! This is our last chance to go! I would ask you to go as friends, Jade, but I already asked Kanaya and she said yes! If you couldn't already comprehend, I'm very excited."

"Yeah, we get it Rose. Also, for your information, though I know none of you really care, I'm going with Karkat. I like him, but the way he asked was a bit scary... hehe. That's Karkat for you though." John stated the obvious. We had all known for a while now that he and Karkat would go together.

"We already knew Karkat would ask you, John. No need to tell us." I sassily responded. 

"Well, what about you Dave?" John asked. "Who are you taking?" Entering the classroom, I saw Dave shrug from the corner of my eye. "Well, if you don't have anyone to take, why not Jade? You guys could go as friends or as dates. Whichever you prefer. That way you two can finally go and enjoy yourselves at one of the dances." My face burned at the suggestion and even more so as Dave's response.

"Sure. Why not? Would you like that, Jade?" 

"S-sure," was my stuttered reply. I quickly found my seat and hid my face within my bag. I can't believe this is happening right now!


Once going through the lunch line, I found everyone at one of the back tables, near the windows and sat down. "I think Jade and Dave should wear matching outfits to the dance. Colors wise, anyways." John stated as I sat down, my face once again going red. "I got it!" John shouted after a moment, startling all of us. "Dave can wear red and Jade can wear green! You'll be the colors of Christmas!" 

"No John, that's fucking stupid." Karkat replied almost instantly, sounding done with life as usual. 

"Oh c'mon Karkat! Have some fun once in a while!" John pouted.


"I have to agree with Karkat, John. There are many, better complimentary colors Jade and Dave could use. Like red and blue, red and purple, red and orange, red and red. Well, those last two are the same color but would work probably the best. Except maybe red and pink... I'll come up with something for the both of you." Kanaya interjected. 

"Hmm. How about a black dress with a green accent?" Rose suggested.

"That may just work, thank you Rose." Kanaya replied and kissed Rose's cheek. They're really cute together... I want that kind of relationship...


Walking home from school with John, all I could think of was Jade. All John seemed to talk about all damn day was Karkat. Like, I liked them, they're my friends, but I'd rather not hear about either of them constantly. The torture finally stopped once we got to my house. "Bye Dave!"

"Bye John." I replied as I stepped into my house to find a katana flying at my face. Luckily, I ducked and saw bro and Dirk strifing, as usual. Shaking my head at their shenanigans, I snuck away to my room. Getting onto my laptop, I instantly found messages from Jade, John, and Kanaya. John was just continuing his rant about Karkat, so I ignored him and went to answer Jade first.

[GN]: Hey, Dave. Are you sure it's okay we go to the dance together? I mean, we don't have to if you don't want to...
[TG]: of course its alright. i wouldn't have said yes if i didn't want to. why, do you not want to?
[GN]: No, of course I do. We're friends so it's not weird if we go together. 
[TG]: right, of course.
[GN]: Well, I've got homework to do. Talk to you later Dave.
[TG]: later.

It hurt when Jade said that we're only friends, but it's the truth whether or not she feels the same for me. Pushing that aside, I answered Kanaya.

[GA]: Good Evening Dave. I Was Wondering If You Can Give Me Your Opinion On This Design For Your Outfit For The Dance Coming Up.

Clicking on the link she sent, I looked at what she had come up with. I'm not as much as a fashion person as Kanaya, but I can tell when something looks cool/nice.

[TG]: looks good, thanks kanaya.
[GA]: No Problem, Dave. Now, I Must Get Going To Put Your Outfit Together As Well As Jade's.
[TG]: okay, goodbye kanaya.
[GA]: Bye Dave.

Pushing away from my desk, I stuck my head of out my room to see if my brothers were near by. Finding it, seemingly, safe, I snuck into the kitchen to grab something quick to eat. I just got into my room when Bro and Dirk came out of theirs. I sat in front of my computer once more to find a new message from John. This time, not about Karkat.

[GT]: hey dave! you want to play a game together?
[TG]: sure john

Opening my Discord, I popped my mic-headphones onto my head and got into a game with John. We played for a majority of the night until John passed out at his computer, as usual. Tossing my shirt onto the floor, I hopped into bed to get what little sleep I could.


"I don't believe I've ever been this excited for anything." Rose commented as we headed to first period the day before the homecoming dance. 

"Well, how could you not be. You're going with Kanaya and you two are obviously madly in love with each other!" John lightly teased.

"Despite your joking nature John, I do believe you are correct on what you said." Rose responded. I could tell Jade was a bit more nervous every time we brought the dance up. Could she really not want to go with me? Or is she just worried she'll mess something up?

"Could we, uh, change the subject please?" Jade interjected.

"Why? Are you not thrilled to be going with Dave?" John poked fun of her statement.

"It's not that. I-I've just heard it can make your night not as grand to continuously talk about it." Jade tried to state 'matter-of-fact.'

"I'm sure that's just superstition, Jade." Rose replied as we all took our seats for class to start.

"I guess..." Jade's voice trailed off as the teacher entered. 

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