Violet Is My Favorite Color

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"Kira, you scared us! What happened? The doctors found cuts, hickeys, bite marks, bruises, and a terrible..." Catherine began crying, not able to finish the sentence. I sighed and held my hand up for her to take. It shook slightly as she grabbed it. Then I remembered that my other hand was being held. I turned to the fire in my eyes and got lost on her beauty.
"Hey." She said looking at me. I chuckled at the small phrase, but I don't know why.
"Hey. I just realized I don't even know your name." I replied. She smiled, flashing her perfect teeth. I looked at her cheeks and found cute little dimples. They made me smile too.
"My name is Juniper. Juniper Thomas. Most people call me JT." Juniper explained.
"I'm just gonna call you Juniper. Is that okay?" I asked her. She nodded as the door opened.
"Hello, Kira. I'm Dr.Micheal. I'm going to ask you some questions, just answer them to the best of your ability. Okay?" Dr. Micheal asked. Her voice is high and mighty, saying she knows she's better than me but doesn't like to flaunt it. She is African-American, and has beautiful brown hair tied back into a bun. Her eyes were piercing blue and staring at me with curiosity. I don't mind, it's better than the stares I usually get.
"Of course." I answered as Catherine gave a small sniff from next to me. I looked at her smiled slightly.
"Can you tell me who did this?" She asked pulling a pen and a clipboard off of a desk. I nodded.
"The football team, the eighth graders. Oh, and this one girl named Angela James." I said quietly. Dr. Micheal nodded and wrote the names down.
"And what are these peoples' relationship with you?" She asked softly, as if I were a piece of glass about to shatter into a million pecked if she said some thing wrong. Which is probably right.
"Mrs Catherine Rivera is my teacher/mother figure. And Juniper Thomas is a fellow classmate. I can't say that Juniper is close to me, but she saved me from the locker room." I said, smiling at both of the beautiful women next to me. Dr. Micheal nodded. Then a worried expression came over her face.
"Kira, I'm going to need you to take a pee sample. Is that okay?" She asked, her voice low and worried of something I couldn't place.
"Sure." I said, scooting to the edge of my bed where Juniper was seated and tried to stand. When I stood, my legs wobbled like Jello and gave out, making me fall back onto the bed with an irritated sigh.
"Mrs. Redcast, I think you're going to need this." A nurse said, wheeling in a black wheelchair. I grimaced at the sight. Juniper took me under the armpits and lifted me into the wheelchair. She shifted me so I was covered and comfortable in my hospital gown. She then let Catherine push me into the hall and then into a bathroom. She lifted me up and I pulled down my pants. She then set me down on the toilet and handed me a small cup.
"This is embarrassing!" I cried. "I don't want people to have to put me on the pot and then wheel me everywhere! What the hell is wrong with my-" I screamed.
"Kira, I need you to calm down. They gave you a number so that you can't feel anything from the waist down. It's what they do to patients who were brutally-brutally...raped." She whispered the last word. Then the realization came: I am a rape victim. They need to sample my pee for a possible pregnancy. I frowned slightly and calmed down.
"Okay." I said.
We returned to the room a couple of minuets later. Juniper did the process of lifting and setting down again as Catherine handed Dr. Micheal the cup.
"Thank you, we will have your results in a couple of minuets." She said walking out of the room. Catherine had a phone call to make and I wanted to talk to Juniper.
"Do you want to play 20 questions?" She asked.  I shrugged.
"Sure. I'll go first; what is your favorite book?" I ask. She thinks for a moment.
"It's a tie between 'Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper', and 'The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate'." She said finally.
"Oooooh, you have an amazing taste in books. Mine is 'Because of Mr. Terupt by Robert Buea'. Or possibly 'Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper'." I said. She gasped and quizzed me on all sorts of things from both of her favorite books.
"Alright, final two questions: What is Melody's (main character from 'Out of My Mind',) favorite type of music. And, what is Ivan's (main character from 'The One and Only Ivan,) twin sister's name?" She asked with a cocky smirk pasted on her face. I answered almost instantly.
"Melody's favorite music is country and she sees yellow and smells sweet lemons. Her favorite song is the name of her Medi-Talker, 'Elvira, by the Oak Ridge Boys'. And Ivan has a twin sister named Tag, she is named that because she always was playing tag with Ivan around their father. And Ivan has an old stuffed gorilla, given to him by Julia and then given to Bob the stray dog at the end of the book, that he sleeps with every night and is named Not-Tag." I said triumphantly. She gaped at me.
"You are one amazing girl." She said quietly. Realizing what she just said, she blushed and covered her face with her hands, muttering something along the lines of 'did I just say that out loud?'. I giggled and moved her hands from her face.
"Stop, don't cover your eyes. They're beautiful. After all, I love the color purple." I said holding one of her hands. She smiled softly at me. Just then, Catherine came in with Dr. Micheal. They were talking in hushed voices, glancing at me every so often.
"Kira, we have some good news and some bad news. Which one first?" Dr. Micheal asked in a solemn voice.
"Good." I said quickly.
"Okay, you are NOT pregnant!" She said happily. I squealed as Catherine hugged me and Juniper squeezed my hand. But when me and Catherine broke apart, I saw Dr. Micheal hesitate.
"And what's the the bad news?" I asked quietly.
"The reason...that you aren't pregnant, is that you won't be able to bear children. I'm so sorry." She said studying the ground, too intently I thought. She paused long enough for the news to sink in. I will never have biological children. My grip on Juniper's hand loosened.
"You can go when ever you feel ready. Just take the wheelchair with you." She said exiting the room again. She left me with a stunned silent teenager and a women I considered a mother, both looking at me with more pity than I deserve. I looked over to Juniper and held her gaze. She slowly started to smile as I kept on wondering why her eyes are violet.
"You know, I think that violet is my new favorite color." I said as Juniper laughed. She the lifted me into the wheelchair and out to Catherine's car. What I didn't expect was for my mother to be standing in front of it.

DUN DUN DUNNNNNN! Hello all of my readers! I am sorry for the long wait and the terrible cliff hanger, but maybe it will make you want to read more! Thank you so much that I have FINALLY gotten to 15 readers! Hopefully that number will double by the time I finish with this story.

-Happy Shipper

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