rainbow wolf

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As I was travelling through the forest of lost souls. I meet a wolf but it was a girl and she had a power.she asked if I was lost. I said I was travelling and I got kicked out of my pack because I tried to help a poor and weak wolf. She said she was travelling too and asked me if she can join me. I said she can join me. Suddenly, I got a strange feeling for her, a feeling that I knew her before but I might have been imagining it. As we travelled through the forest it started to get dark and when it is dark the souls will attack wolf who pass by. So we had to find shelter. We found a cave she looked beautiful as she fell asleep but I didn't want to waste any time so I fell asleep looking at her.In my dream i saw her she was a baby wolf just like me we were both playing we were siblings....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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