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Mark watched her intently as she gazed and pointed at the stars.

He had never seen her so happy.

"Oh, look!" He pointed to a flying star. "It's a shooting star! You have to make a wish."

She looked at him with shear curiosity.


"Yes," he nodded. He closed his eyes and clapsed his hands together. "Close your eyes and put your hands together like this."

She did as she was told. "Now make a wish."

"Wish... For..." She began.

"No. You have to say it in your head."

She closed her eyes and concentrated on her wish.

Once she was done she opened her eyes and put her hands down.

"What did you wish for?" He asked. "Let me guess..." He rubbed his chin as if he were in deep thought. "You wished for more apples didn't you?"

She shook her head and smiled.

"Did you wish to play catch?"

She shook her head once again.

"Tell you?" She asked.

"No, don't tell me. If you do it won't come true."

"Promise won't tell" she crossed her heart.

"Good." He smiled. "I'm sure that it will come true."

He laid his head on her shoulder as they continued to watch the night sky.

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