You Found Me

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I was sitting on the couch playing BMO when Cake came bursting through the door. "Fionna! Something MATHEMATICAL just happened" Cake shouted. "What is it?" I said half listening half playing. "There is a person out there, and he looks just like you!" I jumped back and looked her in the eyes. I ran to the window to see what he looked like. He had a white hat that surrounded his face (like mine) but with smaller ears, a blue T-shirt, dark blue shorts, and black shoes with socks rolled down to his ankles. I ran outside to greet him. I snuck up behind him and tapped him on the shoulders. He turned around startled, "AAAHHH! Who are you!? You look just like me!" "My name is Fionna the human. I live in the land of Aaa" "My name is Finn the human." He said. "Come on, let me show you around!" I said. He looked uncomfortable. He slipped his arm through mine while it was on my hips. Cake shouted through the window, "Hey! Don't you get too close you guys!" I mouthed, "Shut up!" She must have understood me because she shouted,"Okay!" So, we started on our way.

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