Chapter Five

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Finn, Cake, and I walked towards the Candy Kingdom. Flame Prince went back home. We all walked up the castle stairs. That's when Gumaball stopped us,"It's ready." He said. Finn and I looked at each other in disappointment. I felt this weird tingling feeling in my stomach. Something I have never felt before. I decided to brush it off. Then, we walked through the castle doors, into the ballroom, past the kitchen and into the lab. There our eyes laid on the pink portal in front of us. Finn slowly walked through it. I didn't know what to do. So, I look him in the eyes, grabbed his shoulders and hugged him, so tight. He looked at me with confusion. Then, he kissed me. I figured out what that weird tingling feeling was. It was, l-l-liking someone alot. "What was that?!" I asked. "Just a little something to remember me bye." Then, Finn stepped through the portal, losing him forever. I wondered what I would do after the biggest adventure of my life. "I guess we will have to go back to the normal routine!" I said. "Exactly! But, I wonder what the guy version of me would look like?" Cake said "But, I guess we'll never find out." I said. But, that's when Gumball stated, "Actually, you can keep in contact between dimensions." That's when I filled with happiness.

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