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Misty: Okay it is the first day of school and I need to get to platform 9 3/4. But how?

Oh yeah I should tell you about Misty. She is the daughter of Luna and David Waters ( one of the greatest and strongest magic couples. ) When Misty was 2 years old something tragic happened.... Her father David died. How did he die, you ask? He die by protecting Misty and Luna from you know who (Voldemort if you don't know). Their was a big big fire and a fight where they lived. Lots of people died that night. Only two survived, Misty and Luna. They had to move from that town so Luna took Misty to Raven Hill (A small town in London). As she got older she makes a friend called Jake (Jake Fire the son of Holly and Thomas Fire) Misty keeps her secret from Jake and Luna keeps her secret about Misty from Misty. Later on when Misty could go to Hogwarts her mum Luna got ill. Her mum wanted to Misty to go to Hogwarts and told Misty she will be fine.

*Misty tries to find someone to help her get to platform 9 3/4.*

???: Wisren you go next

Misty: Excuse me, how can I get to platform 9 3/4?

???: Oh let wisren go first okay and I will tell you

*Misty keeps her attention on wisren as she runs towards the wall. Misty flinches because what if it didn't work.*

???: Just do the same as wisren just did. Have a clear head and run straight towards the wall ok. Don't hesitate.

*Misty runs towards the wall. She reaches platform 9 3/4.*

Wisren: Hi I'm wisren. And you are?

Misty: Hi wisren I'm Misty Waters

Wisren: Your the Misty Waters? So that means Your Luna and David's Child. Luna from hufflepuff and David from Slytherin?

Misty: Yeah they are my parents.

Wisren: Cool! Wait is that the time?! We need to get on the train now! Come on.

*They get on the train and wisren tries to find a place for us to sit*

Wisren: In here!

Misty: ok

Misty: So do you know anyone coming?

Wisren: yeah. My brother

Misty: cool

Wisren: not cool Misty, not cool. Umm do you?

Misty: No not really

Wisren: ok

*The door opens. To reveal another girl*

???: may I come in?

Misty: sure! come in

Wisren: What's your name?

???: telepathy. What are yours?

Wisren: I'm Wisren

Misty: I'm Misty

*telepathy's face goes into shock*

telepathy: You're the Misty. Misty Waters!

Misty: yeah. Why are you so shocked?

telepathy: It's because your the Misty Waters. 'The gifted child'

Misty: 'The gifted child'?

telepathy: Yeah but that's just one name for you. There are many more. You will understand later.

Misty: umm ok

*The train stops and the lights go out*

Misty: What's happening? Why did the train stop?

Wisren: I'm not sure

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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