Chapter 1- Bump and Grind

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Chapter 1

Bump And Grind

"Do you have any plans for Saturday?"

You glance up from your Pokemon game to see Dave, red-faced and huffing slightly, meeting your eyes, a long leg stretched out behind him with his knee to the ground and the other bent between his arms, an inch below his chin. He's got Youtube pulled up on the television and in the background you can hear an accordion as he plays a German yoga video.

You turn back to your game.

"Jake was going to stream Avatar. Again. For like the eightieth time." You smirk as your Rapidash horrifically mauls a Cofagrigus, winning you the Elite Four. "So basically no, not really." You look back up as Dave moves fluidly into a different position on his mat, his legs basically in the same place but with his arms stretched up over his body. His ankle looks like it's about to crack. You wince. "Why do you ask?"

"Rose and I had planned a Blackrock Depths run with some guildies to level up our alts, but she canceled on me to go to Roxy's dumb talent show at her school."

"Roxy's going to be a magician," you remind him thoughtfully. "She's got a wand and a hat and everything." You refrain from telling him that he's a total fucking nerd. He already knows that.

"Rose'll cream her panties," Dave grunts, letting out a slight gasp as he drops into a full split. You grit your teeth and look back at your 3DS. "Why do sixteen year olds even have talent shows," he grumbles, voice a bit strained. You're surprised he can even move right now, considering he let you top the other night and you plowed that garden thoroughly. You guess you grossly overestimated yourself if he can pull splits.

You'll just have to try harder next time.

A few minutes of silence passes, save for the accordion from the TV. You breeze through the champion easily. You're just leveling your team up to a hundred right now, killing time until one of your friends comes online. Dave rights himself and lifts a leg, bending it backwards until his foot rests flat against his lower back. He manages to keep his balance with a straight face and you secretly envy his flexibility and wonder when it'll finally play a role in your sexy times.

He seamlessly moves into the warrior position and hums. "You want to do something on Saturday?"

You skip through Alder's monologue and think about it for a moment. "There's a showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Devil's Night on the other side of the city this weekend, we could check that out."

"The drive-in theatre?" He sounded stressed, and when you look up you see that he's doing what's basically a handstand, with one foot stretched out and touching the floor a few inches from his face, bending his back obscenely. You look on in horror as he switches his feet, curling the other up into the air. "Not private enough, man. We'll get mobbed." He finally sits cross-legged on the floor, the soles of his feet touching each other. He starts a butterfly stretch, bopping his head to the jaunty tune of the accordion. "Besides, I'm so freaking sick of movies right now that if I have to look at another actor spewing lines I might actually poop my pants."

(Dave just finished the editing process of a script. Movie nights aren't likely to happen for another few months at this point.)

"We could go out to eat," you try, scooting over so that he can plop down beside you. He grabs his towel off the back of the couch and starts mopping at his face, and when he lifts his arms you get a nice whiff of smelly pits. You grimace and push him away. He retaliates with a weak swat, but is too preoccupied with getting clean to put much effort into it.

"We went out to eat last time we hung out outside of the apartment."

"Picky, picky" you grouse, though you'll admit that you're not really up to dealing with the consequences of being seen in public with your brother. It's been about three months since you returned from Jake's island and ever since you'd shown even the smallest amount of interest in having a social life the media has been all over you, trying to find out as much as they can about "Dave Strider's Elusive Brother".

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