The Chase

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"No one can understand what you're feeling unless they burn the way you burned."~Rihanna

Previously on Deserve"Okay

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Previously on Deserve
"Okay....I need some carro-." I was too busy reading my list that I didn't even realize that I bumped into someone's cart. "Oh my G-." I stopped mid-sentence as I looked up to see the person that I wouldn't have expected to see in a million years.



"Uncle August I hungry

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"Uncle August I hungry ."Chay whined for like the umpteenth time. (Picture of Chay)

"Again? Dang I don't know how ya father isn't poor by now I swear you eat like a grown ass man

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"Again? Dang I don't know how ya father isn't poor by now I swear you eat like a grown ass man ." I said instantly regretting that I cussed.

"Uncle August..." Chay said with her palm open. Sighing I reached my hand into my pocket and got out a dollar bill handing it to her.

"Here you go dam- darn it." She gave me a warning look with her eyebrows raised.

"I'll let that slide." She said pulling out a band of dollars. "Back to what I want to eat...ummm." She said placing her finger on her chin in deep thought.

"Umm... my as- behind. That's not what you bout to do, you bout to eat whatever I cook for you." I said cutting off her lil train of thought. Chay was 3 years old turning 30.

Angel got this girl, that use to go to our highschool pregnant, in the end of sophomore year.
We later found out that he knew she was pregnant, but since she was already moving, he blocked her on all social media and she had no way to contact him nor us. When we moved over here she saw me one day and asked for his number and I gladly gave it to her. Since then Chay and Brianna were welcomed into the family. Problem is she's always working and Angel still need to grow the fuck up so Jade, my parents and I take turns with babysitting.

Getting up from seat I walked over to my fridge seeing that there wasn't anything in here to make a decent meal. I guess we have to make a trip to the store.

"Chay go get ya shoes."

Pulling up to the shopping center, I made sure to find a parking spot close to the store. I got out the car and unbuckled Chay from her car seat and hoisted her up on my hip.

"Ard let's go get some food." 


"Oh my G-." I stopped mid-sentence as I looked up to see the person that I wouldn't have expected to see in a million years. "August?" At that point I didn't know what to do. Should I be mad at the fact that he left without telling me?  Or happy that I'm seeing him?

"Umm wassup Rae?" He asked nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Hi?" I was still shook at the fact that I'm standing here speaking with August. Hearing little grunts my focus turned behind him. I noticed a little girl that look about three years old, trying to reach over to the shelf nearest to the cart she was in. "You have a kid?" I asked as a wave of hurt waved over me for some reason. After all these months I've convinced myself that I was done with August, and all emotions were gone. Just imagining him having what we could've had together with someone else made my heart ache.

"Umm...Nah Nah she's my niece, say hi Chay."

"Hi I'm Chay." She said in her cute little voice and her hand out.

"Hi I'm Rae." I laughed while bending down to shake her tiny hand.

"So is she Angel's, Jade's, or do you have another sibling that you didn't seem to tell me about just like how you forgot to mention that you was moving?" I asked with a little bit of hostility.


I was kinda taken back by Rae's hostility but I couldn't blame her. I did leave without telling her but there's just too much going on and my family couldn't risk anybody finding out anything. Everything was going fine before Angel big ass mouth decided to say something.

"She's Angel's." I replied disregarding the last line she said.  I watched as her eyes got big and confusion washed over her face.

"She looks like she's at least three years old. Before y'all disappeared I could've sworn I didn't see a baby. Ohhh....let me guess y'all was hiding that too?" She said sarcastically with her finger on chin pretending to be in deep thoughts.

"'s a long story." After I said that it got really quiet. All I could do was stare at her. To say I missed my baby was an understatement.

She cleared her throat causing me to get out my trance. "Well I'm about to go to checkout and pay for my food so I can go home." She began turning around to head to the opposite direction but she stop before turning around. "I would say see you later but after this little encounter we had, I know you're about to disappear again so bye August." I stood there feeling a little dumbfounded.

"A-hem." I heard Simone clear their throat. I turned around to see Chay standing up looking up at me. "So are we getting food or not?" She asked with her shoulders raised."

"Hold on Chay imma get you your food okay but we have to go." I grabbed her out of cart and left whatever food was in there at the time and ran out the doors to look for Rae. "But we have to go find ya future Aunty." I mumbled to myself.

Ik this chapter is short, but I wanted to update really quick cause I know the struggle. But I'll try to at least update about three times this weekend so stay in the mix.
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