Chapter 17 (Tuesday)

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Decided to post this today too :)

I feel like this book is just all awsten fucking up

Okay but there will be drama with other people eventually awstens drama is almost over


(Still the same day)

Zoey and Jawn:

Jawn: hey why'd you leave?

Zoey: didnt wanna be there

Jawn: elaborate

Zoey: people hate me. Its my fault. Trying to run away from my problems

Jawn: no one hates you

Zoey: if ur tryna say awsten and otto dont hate me i know ur lying

Jawn: awsten will forgive you and otto doesnt hate you he hates awsten

Jawn: aws should have had to deal with this two years ago anyways

Zoey: yeah but he didnt want to. And its my fault he has to now

Jawn: i knew too

Zoey: what?

Jawn: i also knew they dated. I saw them and heard them talking once. Do you know exactly what happened?

Zoey: no. i just know what i hear in class

Jawn: grace really liked him. Awsten didnt really like her. He didnt want to make it public. They fought about that. Awsten said he never liked her.

Zoey: wow

Jawn: now this is his problem that he has to deal with. This is his fault

Zoey: okay...

Jawn: i can tell you dont believe me but seriously dont blame yourself

Zoey: cant really help it. Its instinct to blame myself for everything

Jawn: ;(

Jawn: dont

Group Chat:

Jay-jay: wow dude

Jay-jay: what the fuck

Aws: yep

Gerff: i really dont know how to feel about this...

Aws: probably like you should break up with me

Gerff: im not gonna do that

Gerff: but seriously that was kind of an asshole thing to do?

Aws: no shit

Rocket ship: talk to her

Aws: hah no

Otto tree: dont you dare talk to her

Ciara: she's not talking to anyone until this conversation is over and she feels welcome in this chat

Otto tree: ugh

Jawn: okay look

Jawn: people (aka awsten) fucked up. That was two years ago.

Jawn: Awsten, apologize to grace. Genuinely apologize.

Jawn: Otto... dont beat up awsten for this. He made mistakes a while ago.

Jawn: Then we put this matter behind us and invite grace and zoey back to the chat.

Jay-jay: zoey left? Fuck i didnt notice

Jay-jay: is she okay?

Aws: Grace doesnt want to hear from me

Jawn: she feels bad for starting this. i talked to her dont worry

Jawn: well do you have any apologies for her?

Aws: yes

Jawn: text her.

Jawn: She may not want to talk to you ever but it'll make her feel a little better

Aws: Okay

Jawn: meanwhile, otto?

Otto tree: i... awsten doesn't seem like someone who would do that. Even back then...

Aws: i was angry and i didnt know what to do... and i really am sorry...

Otto tree: okay... fine

Otto tree: im still decently mad about this but I mean

Otto tree: I dunno

Gerff: can they come back??

Ciara: grace says she'll come back

Ciara added Glitterdick to the chat

Ciara added Zoedog51 to the chat

Zoedog51: what

Gerff: no ur stuck here dont leave us again

Zoedog51: im sorry

Jawn: we dealt with it.

Glitterdick: im fine

Glitterdick: it really isnt ur fault

Jawn: so everyone is good now?

Otto tree: yes

Aws: ye

Glitterdick: mhm

Jawn: okay good

Brandon: that was literally the most awkward conversation I've ever sat through

Jay-jay: holy fuck i forgot you eixsted

Brandon: lol thanks love you too jayden




Rocket ship: dammit theyre yelling

Chapter over! Was short, but most of the drama was last chapter.

And i totally didnt forget brandon existed until halfway through the drama lol waht

Josh and Ini are just chilling outside of the chat theyre not really big characters in this

We had this joke in a group chat i used to be in that this one girl who never texted in it she would only come to the group chat like once a week, do everythign better than us for five minutes, and then leave and not be seen again for a week. Thats josh and ini except they arent seen for a week, appear, act like theyre dating for five minutes, and then dissapear again xD

Anywys have fun this is the last drama for a while


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