Marry me

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I stand in front of a full length mirror, looking at myself. I'm in my princess fit wedding dress with my brown curly hair put up in a bun with a few stands hanging lose, and simple, yet elegant make up.

Today was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, I'm going to become Mrs Ron Wesley. But why do I feel like I made the wrong choice saying yes when he proposed?

I shake away the thought and look at myself again in the mirror. I look at the corner of the room and see someone. I spin around and come face to face with Draco Malfoy himself. "So your really going to marry Weasley? You waited for the right guy before, why not wait now?" Malfoy asks me slowly moving in front of me. "Because, the right guy never came" I say coldly looking into those beautiful silver orbs of his. "I'm right here" "well your to late Malfoy! Your to late. You should have thought of that before you broke my heart!" "Well I didn't have a choice! Hermione if I didn't break up with you my father was going to kill you! I wouldn't let that happen I just couldn't!" "That's a load of crap and you know it" I shout.

"Hermione, please leave Ron, marry me," he says pulling out a ring. "Draco, I-" I look down from his eyes to the glinting tears running down his face, down to the beautiful ring he holds in his hands. "I-" "Hermione, please. I love you" "I- I'm sorry but, no. I can't do this. You had your chance, your to late." "Hermione, please, I lo-" "NO! Your confusing me, I need you to leave," "Hermione," "No! Like I said you lost your chance with me. Your to late I'm marrying Ron. Please go before I start to cry and ruin my makeup"

I hear the song starting. "I need to go" "wait" Draco grabs my wrist and kisses me. I want to so badly kiss him back but I don't I just stand there with his lips on mine. He pulls away and looks at me. "Maybe that will change your mind." He says before leaving the room.

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