Marry me

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I just couldn't do it. Seeing Ron, standing in front of me, made me realize that I made a wrong choice. All I could imagine at that exact moment was Draco standing in front of me. So, I ran. I ran and didn't look back. I ran as fast as my 4 inch heels could take me. And where exactly was I headed, well to see Draco of course.

I got into the elevator and picked a random number. I got to the 8th floor and my dress ended up getting a little stuck. "Excuse me? Miss would you, like some help? With your, wedding dress?" "Yes please that would be very kind of you" the man gives me a sweet smile before grabbing my hand and yanking me out of the elevator. When I was finally out, I asked "excuse me sir you wouldn't by any chance know where I can find Draco Malfoy's apartment? Do you?" "Oh Malfoy lives down the hall 5th door to your right, umm....6H" "thank you again," "Herbert Wendell" "thank you Mr. Wendell" "please call me Herb," "Granger Hermione Granger" I say "of course Hermione" he says tipping his hat, before going into the elevator.

I smile at Herbs kindness towards me and walk down the hall looking for 6H. I finally found it. I hear muffled sobs come from inside the apartment. I knocked on the door before taking a deep breath. "Go away Mr. Wendall" I heard Draco yell. I knock again. I hear the sobs come closer to the door and Draco yell "I said go aw-" he suddenly stops mid sentence as soon as he say me. "Draco," I said "what are you doing here?" "I couldn't do it" I say "your the one I want to spend my life with, your the one I love, Draco marry me" his hands go to my waist and he hold me like he never wants to let go again. "Yes, I love you" he answers placing a small kiss on my neck. He pulls away and takes the ring and places it on my finger. "Let's elope." He says "what?" I ask him laughing. "Come on your already wearing a wedding dress, so why not? What do you say?" "I'd say, your crazy, and let's do it!" "You serious?" "Ya let's go" Draco picks me up bridal style and carries me to the elevator"

At the church
"Do you both agree?" "I do" we both say at the same time. "I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss." Before Draco could react I grabbed his face and kissed him. "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy"

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