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Sighing, Kihyun locked his phone. Changkyun had just left him on read. He has never done that before. Was Changkyun angry at him? Changkyun didn't even reply him on Instagram and now WhatsApp. But Kihyun just couldn't figure out what he did wrong. 

Kihyun sighed in frustration, running his hand through his hair as he entered a dance studio to reserve it before the others came. Whatever, he thought. He would just have to ask Changkyun himself when he came. Yet, Kihyun still could not shake off the unpleasant feeling in his chest as he put the music on and started dancing.


"I'm fine!" Changkyun whined, pushing Jooheon off of him. The older of the two had came charging into the booth shouting about "my changkyunnie is hurt what kind of hyung am i to not see". He was being overly dramatic and Changkyun didn't like it one bit. Anyways, he was suppose to be the one to annoy Jooheon, not the other way around.

"If you say so, buddy. Why don't you go to the studio first? I'll finish up here." Jooheon finally gave up, pulling Changkyun up and patting him on the butt, shoving him out of the booth. Changkyun huffed, what a way to treat him who was just venting online. 

Changkyun relented, waving to Jooheon as he headed for the dance studios. The group had agreed to meet at their usual studio so Changkyun had just absentmindedly open the door. He didn't expect to see Kihyun in the middle of the room, panting as he finished his dance. He had sweat dripping down his face and Changkyun's eyes followed the trail of sweat that disappeared into the older's shirt.

As the younger was too distracted by the display in front of him, he didn't notice when Kihyun had walked up to him with determination in his eyes as he closed the door behind Changkyun, dragging him to the seats. Changkyun tried to excuse himself but Kihyun was faster and grabbed both of his wrists, preventing him from leaving. 

"Don't even try, Im Changkyun. Tell me whats wrong. You left me on read. You never do that. Did I do something wrong?" Changkyun gulped. It was an accident, he had intended to reply Kihyun but Jooheon had bursted in then, knocking his phone out of his grip. So, without thinking twice, Changkyun blurted out the first thing on his mind.

"I'm so sorry, hyung. It was not on purpose. You didn't do anything at all. I just really needed to vent because I like someone and it's one sided and I'm just really sad and-" Changkyun quickly cupped his mouth as his eyes widened. He was such an idiot! That wasn't even the question at all. What was he doing? Changkyun panicked even more when Kihyun frowned.

"Wait, what? One sided? Come on no way you're Im Changkyun! Who is it? Is it a girl or guy?" 


"What. A. Bastard."

Changkyun instantly flinched. Ironic as it was, Kihyun had just called himself a bastard without knowing and Changkyun's heart hurt. Kihyun was definitely not a bastard in his eyes. If anyone was a bastard, it would've been him. He was the one that liked him anyways.

Kihyun noticed Changkyun flinch and immediately apologized. Changkyun must really like this guy. 

"Do you want hyung to help you?" Kihyun asked, unbeknownst to him. Changkyun panicked, shouting no. Kihyun, mistaking it as Changkyun being shy, chuckled and agreed to leave him be. For now.

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