Chapter 1: Wheres The Choc Chips?

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Being an outcast isn't at all easy but to be honest, in life nothing is easy, including my life.

12 years earlier

"Can you tell me the story again, Nonna?"
"Of course I can pumpkin!"
"Thanks, Nonna, I love this story."
"I know you do dear, why else would I tell you it again for the hundredth time!" She chuckled to herself.
"Ok, ok just tell the story already" I said half laughing half annoyed. Nonna begun the story...

"We are different to normal human beings. We live in a mirror dimension to earth, as we can see what they see, hear what they hear but humans can not see us. However few have managed to have learnt the power to create a gate way through this mirror, we call them Thieves. We call them this because they stole the power from the great one and used it for themselves. Due to this we to have managed to get ourselves a nickname, we are called the Givers as we bring peace to the human world and to our own. There is only one thing that we all fear, the howlers. They live off our fear and anger, that is why we train our soldiers the gift of miraging. That enables them to be unseen by the howlers.."

"Can we still see them, Nonna?"
"Of course we can dear, you just have to be careful and not get in their way. Ok, pumpkin?"
"Yes Nonna, I'll try my hardest."
"Now, say it with me,"
"Don't become friends with the enemy, especially thieves."
Even though Nonna didn't say it with me, I could tell she was proud.

After Nonna and I finished our morning tea, I went for a walk outside. Sometimes I don't know where I'm going but it feels nice just to get away from home. After all, my parents wouldn't let me go so far away as I was only 5 years old.

"It's coming up to my 6th birthday and I still don't know my special gift, Mummy keeps saying to me that it will happen when the time comes and it thinks you are ready. My brother Jack is so lucky though, he got a prophecy saying he will be very talented and will be the bearer of multiple gifts! Sometimes I wish I had multiple gifts too but then I would think, how would I use them and what for, besides I was only a little girl, I thought as I was walking down an alley way to my favourite place.

My favourite place to hang out when I go for these walks is a place like no other, it has a spectacular view of the city in which I live and I can also see everything that goes on. It is the rooftop of a hotel that just keeps growing taller and taller. I can only get up there cause I can teleport, well more like I create portals with a whoosh of my hand and boom the portal is there. I've know I can do this for quite some time but I haven't really considered it being my ability.

2 weeks later

I'm so excited because today is my birthday and even though it is 9am in the morning I have a massive day planned!

I finally decide to roll out of bed and walk to the kitchen, not realising the silence in my house. After having my breakfast juice, which I have every morning, I suddenly realise the house is empty. There was no presents, no people and no breakfast on the table! I start yelling "Mummy, Daddy, Nonna, Jack?!" But still no reply.

After minutes of calling out to them I finally give up, I start walking towards the door, I slowly open it not knowing what I will see on the other side. I take one glance outside and immediately look away and slam the door. My eyes start to fill with tears and my head was thinking so hard it felt like it was going to explode.

I kept whispering to myself "This can't be happening, it isn't true!" Over and over again as if it was on replay. I can't believe what I just witnessed, they-they were everywhere! Howlers had taken over the city in both worlds and everyone was screaming and I wondered where my family was. Besides I can't go out there, I'm now a 6 year old girl, what was I supposed to do with however many howlers were out there. I was panting so hard in panic my vision started to go blurry and after that all I remember was darkness.

I woke up in my bed and sat up in shock. I was so startled about what I just saw, I didn't think much about the pain in my arm. My breathing was heavy and I started crying. My mum came rushing into my room and sat beside me. I couldn't believe my eyes at first and so I had to ask
"Mum? I...I thought you were....gone?" I stuttered
"Oh, sweetie," She said sympathetically "I was never gone, it was just a dream. We are all waiting for you down stairs. Now come on, don't cry on your 6th birthday!" She hugged me then walked out of my room and slightly shut my door. I still couldn't believe my eyes.

As I was getting dressed a thought hit me like a bullet, what if it wasn't just a dream...?

I slowly opened my door and I was about to walk out but I hesitated.
Should I tell them about the pain in my arm? Should I just stay in my room? No, I can't it's my birthday, which means it's no time to be upset,
"I will not let this dream get the better of me!" I said firmly as I walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

The kitchen table was full of multiple breakfast choices. Although, however many options my Mum puts on the table, I never choose anything else but my favourite of all time...pancakes!

"OMG! You made pancakes." I yell running to my seat at the table forgetting the pain in my arm.
"Of course I did. It's my little baby's birthday and you think I'm not going to make her pancakes." Mum teases back at me.

I grab a pancake and I was about to roll it up when I realised something was missing.
"Mum! Where are the choc chips" I yell sounding angry but curious, but no one responded. Suddenly they all start laughing at me, except for Jack who looks surprised.

"What the hell is going on?" I scream hoping someone answers me and luckily for them, my Mum answers me.
"Jack said to us this morning that you will forget about having choc chips on your pancakes. He also said if he loses he will do the dishes for a week so we made a bet. "
"Jack?" I ask hoping he will answer me.
"What do you want Ivana" jack said angrily.
"What in the world made you think I would forget about the choc chips" I mange to say before bursting into laughter. Jack mumbled something so no one could here him but I couldn't care less right now. I could tell he was disappointed but at the same time confused, and I wanted to know why.

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