Chapter 2 Who Are You?

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"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Ivanna, happy birthday to you. Hipip hoary, hipip hoary, hipip hoary!" Mum, Dad, Nonna and Jack were I think trying to sing happy birthday to me but they were more like yelling.
"Now make a wish ana" my mum said using my nickname. I took a big breathe in, held it for a few seconds and then let it out. The candle flickered then died out.

"What did u wish for?" My Dad asked.
"Well if I tell you it won't come true" I stated with a matter-of-fact tone in my voice. What I wished for was to make a friend or friends that will never leave my side and stay with me for the rest of time.



Beep, beep, beep.
And that is the sound of my alarm on a Sunday morning waking me up at 10:30am. I know right it is so early, especially for a Sunday! Although if I don't have the alarm go off I'll sleep in all day.

I slowly rolled out of bed and being the clumsy person I am, I missed my footing and fell right on my butt, which wasn't actually that bad. I stood up, brushing my pj's like I had fallen on dirt and quickly walked to my bedroom door with the certain urge to use the bathroom. I unlocked my wooden, creamy coloured door and across the hallway opposite my room was Jacks room. I saw his door open and looked up and saw him leaning on his door almost knocking it off its hinges.

I slowly raised my gaze to look into his dark brown eyes and noticing that they too were looking into my eyes. I swear I could faintly hear the tune when cowboys are having a stare down in the movies. It was when I couldn't hold back the urge to pee and started bolting down the hall to get to the bathroom before Jack did. I could hear the thundering footsteps behind me and before I knew it, Jack was like the speed of light he went that fast. I then stopped running knowing I can't beat him in a running race because his gift was running, really fast too. Then i remembered I can teleport! So just as Jack was about to enter the bathroom i teleported inside and locked the door.
"How the... what the.......HOW!!!!" Jack asked confused screaming the last part. I smirked and replied
"Because I am just so much better than you Jack!"  I replied emphasising the word better. I could here Jack slowly walk away dragging his feet all the way down the hall we just ran down.

After the bathroom incident I got ready for the day, then ran down the stairs to the kitchen to make breakfast. The quicker I got ready the more time I had to go explore. My parents said because it was my birthday yesterday and I am now a 6 year old girl I can go and explore past the normal boundaries.

"Hi Mum, hi Dad!" I said in a joyful tone as I was walking into the kitchen.
"Hi sweetie. Did you sleep good?" My Mum asked.
"Of course I did Mum! You know how much I love my sleep" I stated.

As I was walking from the kitchen, after eating my toast I had for breakfast, I was about to walk out the door when I ran into Jack. I was about to fall on my butt for the second time today but before I did he grabbed me by the hand and spun me around till I was facing my back to him but was at the door!
"What the hell just happened" I whispered but obviously it was loud enough because Jack started laughing at me. I turned around and walked up to Jack and punched him in the shoulder, and well for a girl my age I could pack a punch.
"Ouch! What was that for Ivanna?" Jack asked me.
"Because you were laughing at me" I said dramatically whilst turning around and giving my hair a quick flip over my shoulder and walked out the door.


The pain in my arm has slowly gone away but there is now a bruise which is a purplish, blue colour. It annoys me sometimes when people always ask oh what happened or what did you do? It makes me feel like I can't handle myself which I can clearly do.

I was walking along a lonely, lonesome path when I saw a hooded figure run behind the corner. After I contemplated for a few seconds, curiosity got the better of me and so I went running after a hooded figure like in the horror movies. Which I knew there was a slight chance of me being killed following this figure.

"Wait!!" I called out. "Who are you!?" The figure slowly came to a halt and before I could stop I ran straight into the persons back only then to fall on my butt.
"Ouch" I whispered hoping the person didn't hear me.

Given the situation I was in I just decided to lay on the ground and laugh at my stupidity, because there was no way I was getting out of this alive. For a 6 year old, I am very quick to judge situations like these.

The hooded figure started to laugh and I became extremely confused.
"What's so funny? Oh and just hurry up and kill me already because waiting is torture" I whisper yelled. The hooded figure just came and laid down next to me and now I could tell it was a guy and was much bigger than me.
"I'm not going to kill you Ana . I just wanted to see how you would handle a situation like this" the hooded guy spoke. "Oh and might I add I was not expecting you to do that. Especially how hard you punch, because I swear there is a bruise forming already"
As soon as he said that I knew it was Jack but I had to make sure.
"Jack is that you?" I asked
"Who do you think it is dummy?" Jack laughed.
Ok this was definitely Jack but why did he want to know? But I didn't question it further. So we just laid there staring up at the sky and the early forming stars which were beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2018 ⏰

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