CHAPTER 1: Dramer Werepire

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Laila gets bitten by a bunch of things. Laila turns into a bunch of things. Laila falls in love with strawberry doughnuts. Laila stops a giant interspecies war that threatens the very existence of the universe (well, not quite, but there would still have been a bunch of death and destruction and the reveal of fantasy creatures and stuff). Laila runs away to marry a strawberry doughnut.

Wait a second, nope, that last one was just a dream.

...hopefully, it stays that way, as the readers viewers are probably getting sick of how much Laila loves strawberry doughnuts at this point.

*ahem* anyway, here begins the next chapter of Laila's life...



Far above the Manjirippun Reserve, a small blonde bat soared into the night, diving above cloud level. Above her head a leaf river streamed past, almost invisible despite the thousands of leaves soaring through it. Not far away, some black shadowy figures swished leaves through a figure eight arrangement to send them to the main river; sprites.

Some leaves fell out of the system, and the bat dived down, positioning itself below them all and then morphing into a giant white dragon with steely grey wings and black markings around the eyes, flying belly-up to propel the leaves back into the system.

Swishing back into bat form, she soared over to a sprite separate from the others; Gladys, head of the Mid-rippan sector. They exchanged some small parcels and the bat soars off, over the forests, over where she knew the Sprite Falls swish through the hibiscus bushes, invisible from here. She dipped into a denser part of the forests, seamlessly going into wolf form as she touched the ground, bounding along the path to a small cosy hut, masks and potions hanging out of the trees around it.

Another morph into human form and we can see our protagonist; Laila, a teenager with long blonde hair and an overall fluffy aura, as she knocked on the door.

Dramer werepire; part dragon, part mermaid, part werewolf, part vampire, and training to be a witch. Also having to handle school and maths homework.

Ain't the life for everyone.

The door opened, and a tall stereotypical witch waved her in; black robes, crooked black hat, and crooked black hair.

"Hey Voir!" Laila said chirpily, going over to a bronze stand where Taffy the Bat was perched.

Taffy the Bat is probably a vampire, but no one's quite certain at this point.

What is certain is that he gets patted a lot by excitable teenagers.

Laila sidled over to where Voir was mixing up something in the big silver cauldron, over licking green flames.

"Ooooh what spell is this?" Laila said.

"It's dinner," Voir sighed, "Do you have the ingredients?"

Laila nodded happily and passed over the parcels she got from Gladys the Sprite. In return, Voir gave her a necklace that had been officially presented to Laila a few months back, at the end of the Werewolf vs Vampire war. Laila holds it carefully; it belonged to Voir's last apprentice, and was quite simplistic; brown thread with satchels hanging off it every now and then.

"The satchels access pocket dimensions, meaning that they're very good for storing items in any condition. The entire necklace is under a charm called visus se subtrahit, which translates roughly to 'evades sight'. In regular English, it means that if you don't draw attention to it, people won't see it."

Laila grinned, slinging it around her neck, with no idea what pocket dimensions were, but pretty certain that they'd be good for storing strawberry doughnuts in.

"Now, we're moving onto Volume 3 of Missa Historia, covering the evolution of humanoids such as elves, vampires-"


"Don't be silly. There are rumours a large dwarven empire used to exist, but they're all folly. If dwarves ever existed, they were just regular humans who were vertically challenged."

Laila sighed and bounded over to a bookcase sagging under the combined weight of the many books and scrolls.

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