CHAPTER 7: The protagonist goes to a democratic election

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It was a Wednesday afternoon, and Laila was just about ready to do something about whatever was going on. But she was stuck sitting in a quiet and still relatively teacher-free maths classroom, waiting for the final bell to go so she could get up from her seat without being decapitated by a zooming drone.

Then Mrs. Daniels finally returned from wherever she had disappeared to since Monday morning's waffle incident, triumphantly holding up; a piece of paper! (*gasp* HOW HORRIFYING!)

And then promptly got whacked in the face by a drone as the final bell rang and everyone rushed out.

"WAIT!" yelled Mrs. Daniels, to no avail, "I HAVE A PERMIT FROM THE SCHOOL BOARD THAT ALLOWS ME TO-"

She then got muffled by a pancake, which was being carried by two allied drones.

The fact that the science teacher was in on the new fad and may or may not have been controlling one of the drones probably didn't help. However, said science teacher still hadn't realised that the roof of their classroom was plastered with very similar pancakes.

Oh well, they were teaching well enough that no one had been mutilated by a drone or a pancake as of yet, so they must've been doing something right.

While Mrs. Daniels tried unsuccessfully to yell insults at a deaf science teacher, Laila made her escape. A very shocked HASS teacher stood in the background of the scene, watching a bat fly out of the schoolroom window. They quickly resolved to get more sleep the next day, which would lead to them sleeping in for so long that the entire school would be down of one HASS teacher for the remainder of the week. But that's another story.

Unless, of course, I decide it isn't and include it in this one at a later date as filler. *cough* Anyway, FORTH!


A giant cavern opened out of one of the mountains in the eastern half of the Northern Mountain Range (the northernmost border of the Manjirippun Reserve). It looked over the forests as if it owned them; and perhaps it did. Within this enormous chamber, the next Lord or Lady of the Manjirippun Landmass was to be elected.

Dragons of every colour and creed lined the walls, jabbering away in languages from across the globe. A group of dragons in fluro vests spread out amongst the crowds, acting as translators wherever they were needed. Some of these dragons would be competing for the title, to be one off the most powerful dragons in the world. Most came to witness their new leader being elected, or as an entourage to cheer on their favourite candidate. Others were representatives from other landmasses, come to gleam information on a new leader. Possibly the most revered in the area was a floating jade-green serpent-like dragon from the Asianelle Landmass. A group of dimly shining white dragons sat in a corner, avoided by most of the crowd despite the lack of space.

In a darkened area near the ceiling, a blue-scaled dragon, patterned with purple, dragged a smaller victim into a private cave.

"What are you doing here?" hissed Hyacinthum, the dragon mentor, eyes darting around to make sure no one was within hearing range "Our agreement was for you to never approach dragon culture!"

The white-scaled protagonist with silver-grey wings wagged her tail excitedly before realising she was being told off.

"Oh. Well. Um. Dragon culture sort of approached me, so, um. Sorry?"

"What do you mean, it approached you? Dragons don't meddle in non-dragon things, apart from the yearly race against-"

Hyacinthum stopped suddenly when she realised that her student was part vampire.

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